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where to get good boots?

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Well, like I've said before, you need insoles and good socks with them to make them comfy enough. The problem comes because we civvies don't tend to wear our boots for long periods of time, day in, day out stylee, so it takes quite a while to break a new pair in to your particular shape of foot and way of walking, but the good news is that some poor Junge doing his national service has already done the hardest part for us! You might also want to invest in some 1m strips of 50mm fabric plaster to pre-shield the backs of your ankles and some 50mm micropore tape to help hold 80mm lengths of the fabric strip in place. That's the best way of avoiding blisters that I've come across, although these days you hear some startling claims about gucci socks...

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Blister patches for the win!


I think they're marketed to women who wear heels, but damn they're good!

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Blister patches for the win!


I think they're marketed to women who wear heels, but damn they're good!

How much do they cost? Do they stay in place even when you run?

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I actually got blisters through white fabric tape doing tabs. Not to say it doesn't work, just something that surprised me at the time. Though when you do 18 miles over rough-as-f*** mega-hilly terrain in 5 hours while weighted down it's kind of inevitable I suppose (not bitter at all).


I've not been at all convinced by my 1000 Mile socks personally, just did not perform as advertised, my newest purchase (bridgdales) have been very nice so far, but I've not tried them with all-weather type, heavy, leather boots. In training I used to wear standard cotton socks under my issue thick boot socks which worked well with the boots I had and a set of sorbothane insoles. Used a similar combo in the falklands and again it served me pretty well, especially since I was wearing boots all day every day.

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Yeah, mate, 18 miles loaded will always hurt, no matter what terrain. Over the Falklands, I expect it's worse than The Pennine Way!

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How much do they cost? Do they stay in place even when you run?


They're actually hard to take off they stick so well, it's almost like melting flexible wax to your feet, except less gross.


You can pick up packs of various sizes for a couple of quid from most Pharmacists. I started doing the Coast to Coast walk last year (only got 40 miles in because some berk in my party managed to do their knee in...) but I put them all over my feet before I even started and I didn't get any blisters at all, 40 miles over two days, 10 hours walking a day wearing a 15kg pack... I'd say they were pretty good.

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I'm sold, mate. They go on the list of "to try-s" alongside memory foam insoles from Poundland!

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