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L85 just died

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I haven't a clue what has happened, or how, it just died on me.


I've checked the wiring, it's all fine. I've checked the batteries, they're fine. I've ensured all the contacts are functioning correctly, they are.


Anyone got any ideas? My only thought is that my motor might've packed in, under what circumstance does that usually happen?

I was shooting a lot on auto to test my new mags were feeding properly and the motor was getting pretty damn hot, I've never noticed it heat up like that before, then the trigger just ceased to cause the gun to fire.


Anyone think it could be anything other than the motor?

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Yeah it's the turbo3000, that's why I'm surprised it died.


I tried a G&P motor in the same circuit and that worked... So it's got to be the motor.

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Around 345ish with an M120.

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