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Gun has broken down.

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Morning All!


I came home from work to notice that my brother and cousin had been messing around with my airsoft stuff. Since then i have a problem with my gun. I have taken a video as its easy to see and hear what the problem is.


The gun is an SRC M4, Got it back November.


Video Link is here - http://youtu.be/j0UU8vde6C0


If you need anymore picturs or videos then just ask, I have no problem with creating more as its only a 5 minute job and it is best way to show what the problem is.


Any help would be great!



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Have you charged the battery? If they've been messing around with it, then it could just be flat.

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yeah sorry should have added that at the start.


I changed battery and recharged the battery they was using. I get the same results either way. Would a flat battery cause the gun to misbehave like that thou?


I have all taken the motor out and reinsert it. Tried it at different heights aswell, Again i get the same results.

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Have you put the little metal motor spacer plate back in too?

They can often slip down the side of the motor without you realising when putting it back together....

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there appears to be a substantial mechanical issue- not neccesarily expensive, mind.

The cut off lever clearly isn't working and I would hazard a guess at something jamming in the gears, causing the slow and inconsistent ROF.


The motor height does sound 'off' but that wouldn't cause all of the issues there.


Definitely get it looked at by someone who can help with this sort of thing.

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I been messing around with it some more tonight. I have noticed that the handle where the motor is stored is getting, and the metal plate that keeps the motor up gets very hot. I have never noticed this before. is this normal? or is the motor having to work to hard?


Also just to add, When it does decide to work, Semi is firing like its on auto. Im guessing it could be somethings to do with the gears.


I just wish i knew what the moran was doing when it broke.

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If you put the battery on charge after does it take a while to fully charge? I have had issues with guns short circuiting and discharging the batteries at silly rates (matter of seconds) before.


This still wouldn't explain the full auto slow ROF on Semi though...

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