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cyma m14 (cm032)

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been wanting one of these for a while the reviews on youtube seem to be pretty good for the price. what you guys think ? and are these even made anymore? zeroone,ah etc dont seem to have them in stock but i just noticed on taiwangun that they are showing as in stock (weither they are or not is another matter i gues but ill drop them a email before ordering) and they are a decent price considering the vat is already paid so just postage which isnt to bad. also what mags are available i see tm do a high cap for £30 odd which is quite steep any alternatives?

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I've not heard much bad about them, I'm pretty sure that they're a complete clone of the tm so spares are easy enough to get hold of, not sure if he is still around but 'Cerbo Knight' has or had one and he was happy with it. Might be worth shooting him a pm about it

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ok will have a see if hes still around cheers.

meant to ask in first post whats the fps out of the box? most of the reviews all state its around he 350 -360 odd mark so shouldnt need a down grade but thought id ask see if anyone could confirm it as obviously would be needing t get it through customs and dont fancy haveing it destroyed for being to high.

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American review site (and shop) has about 40 odd reviews for you to have a read of.



ref Taiwan gun (really should get a commission every time I big them up), they will do a spring downgrade for the cost of the spring, and if it says its in stock it is. They also answer e:mails quickly and in English. If its saying its 340fps then it pretty much should be, but again ask them and I am sure they will shove a few rounds down it for you and let you know.


Looking to pick up a full size wood version myself in the near future, just need to decide which gun to sell to make room in my case first.


For magazines have a look on somewhere like ehobbyasia or ebaybanned for mags.


http://www.ebairsoft.com/aeggbb-magazine-c-22.html even got electric double mags for them! (well battleaxe ones which are a bit hit and miss)

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cheers bigshep yeah i have seen quite a few reviews and my aeg limit at my local site is upto 370fps so i have plenty to play with even if it is hot

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