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New player from East London

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Hi all,


New to the forum!


Have been airsofting for a couple of years, but not so much in the last 18 months, blame it on the recession.


I'm looking to find a team in East London that are looking for new players to join them? Do any exist in the East London area?





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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Welcome to the forums :)


Your best bet really would be to go and play and see if there are any teams near you. Most teams aren't that well known.

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I play at Bunker 51 in South East London, but not many teams tend to be there when I can get to go.


Going to Tactical Warfare in Anerley at the end of the month, might find something there.


Are there any other players out there from East London? Maybe we could start a team if there are enough of us?

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Thanks for the tip....where is the pro airsoft shop?

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