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Yes, another G&G Raider related question!

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Morning all :)


Just a quick question RE a tight bore for a G&G GR15 raider L. The inner barrel itself is 357mm but I plan on adding a silencer so can go a tad longer.


What thickness barrel exactly would be best? Also, could anyone recommend a brand/site to order one?


Thanks in advance all :)



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6.03mm is the most common and generally considered best all round..


You can get 6.01mm but then you have to use the highest quality ammo and regular maintenance as the tighter barrel is easier to get blocked...


As with most aeg's go 6.03mm route - u won't be disappointed...



As to the length I prefer to have a slightly shorter barrel length than the maximum you can have ( say your barrel is 500mm and with silencer you can fit a 560mm - id try and get a 550mm)


This way it's harder for dirt to get in the inner barrel - the end of the barrel is not as exposed and that slightly shorter length isn't going to make a difference big enough for you to notice..


Also if your do get a longer TBB - make sure your allways using the silencer -I know it's common sense but there's plenty of people out there have not done this and bent/buckled/f*cked up the end of the inner barrel..



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Thanks for the great in-depth replies both :) I'll definitely go for 6.03, makes a lot of sense.


That ling isn't working for me mate! :/


I've been looking at a Madbull 6.03 363mm barrel (GR15 is 357) but with the silencer I'll be using there will be plenty of room.


Any thoughts on Madbull as a brand?


Thanks again,



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I'd say Madbull were the best for the money. In all honesty, I don't think there's a lot of difference between the tight bores out there, even the cheapest ones such as the madbulls are coated in whatever material it is that makes them good, so long as the barrel's not brass like the stock barrels it'll show improvement.


I personally always go for Madbull though I've had deepfire barrels as well as though there was no difference.


That link above though? The description is terrible, just plain inaccurate and wrong, I wonder how many customers they've pissed off by advertising it for use in M16s? 'Cos M16s, AUGs etc etc have 509mm barrels, 550 would stick out quite noticeably.

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I'd say Madbull were the best for the money. In all honesty, I don't think there's a lot of difference between the tight bores out there, even the cheapest ones such as the madbulls are coated in whatever material it is that makes them good, so long as the barrel's not brass like the stock barrels it'll show improvement.


I personally always go for Madbull though I've had deepfire barrels as well as though there was no difference.


That link above though? The description is terrible, just plain inaccurate and wrong, I wonder how many customers they've pissed off by advertising it for use in M16s? 'Cos M16s, AUGs etc etc have 509mm barrels, 550 would stick out quite noticeably.


Thanks for that reply mate :) I'll go for the madbull and see how it goes! All that's left now is to figure out what mags to buy!

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