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Stupid Cheapsoft gun question.

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I've been looking at very budget guns and I've come across a CYMA P1093 47, it seems to be one of their AEG's just all the guts taken out and replaced with very budget parts spring/cylinder, etc... anyway could you modify it to take a version 2 gearbox? Or whatever gearbox it takes.

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that is a springer will be different inside not just the internals but the build of it (also all the cheap aegs and springers they are not normaly designed to be opened up and worked on). in theory with work you probably could but it would not be worth it so in reality i would say no.. plus at that price the plastic will be pretty weak so probably wouldnt stand up to much. after you spent the money buying that ak and all the new internal parts you would be able to buy a proper aeg..

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that is a springer will be different inside not just the internals but the build of it (also all the cheap aegs and springers they are not normaly designed to be opened up and worked on). in theory with work you probably could but it would not be worth it so in reality i would say no.. plus at that price the plastic will be pretty weak so probably wouldnt stand up to much. after you spent the money buying that ak and all the new internal parts you would be able to buy a proper aeg..


Yeah, I thought it would just something to do...


I'm probably wrong but this is CYMA CM028 AEG but has been replaced with just a spring...


I'll put a tight bore barrel in there, strimmer motor, 12v car battery...


Beasting with a springer, ahah :)




Anyway I might buy one for a laugh see what I can do do it...


I know it's cheap plastics and that, but I was wonder if I could put a gearbox in there with relative ease.

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where are you getting the info to say they are the same? you could well be right i suppose would be easier for the company to only have 1 type of mould made.

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where are you getting the info to say they are the same? you could well be right i suppose would be easier for the company to only have 1 type of mould made.


I took a wild guess. As I said in my last post.


Sorry if I'm not allowed to link pics.


CM028 (One of CYMA's real budget AEG's)




Springer P1093





They are a different, not by much though.


I think it can be done, but will the springer hold up the strain from the gearbox...

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TM compatible AK's use version 3 gearboxes. You'd not have problems with the gearbox putting strain on the plastic, because everything from the motor to the air nozzle, including the main spring, is held in and/or fixed to the gearbox shell. Where I expect you would have problems is getting an AEG hop unit to fit in place properly so that it i) accepts BB's from the mag and ii) allows the air nozzle to make a good seal with the hop rubber.


I wouldn't bother, but if you do, I'd be interested to know how it goes so please take pics of the original, the ongoing mods and the finished article.

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