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Morning all :)


First things first, hi, I'm Sam!


I've been into paintball for a few years now but am Extremely tired of having to hold a gun that looks like it came from a bad sci-fi film so finally I've seen the light and realised airsoft is where it's at!


I have a few questions (few being a million but I'll hold back for now).


1. I have set my sights on a G&P M4A1 Carbine. My reasons for this are that it's fairly affordable, I love the real steel version, it's a nice size, the reviews are decent that I've seen, and it's got some weight to it (which after playing with silly space guns for three years is definitely something I'm looking for!).


My one worry about this gun is the battery space. From what I've seen it's quite small and I'm completely clueless when it comes to what battery size/what all these mhahljgdkhj stuff means and where I should be going to purchase them! If anyone here can explain or best of all, recommend the best battery for me I'd be VERY grateful! I'm looking for something that'll last me a full day (CQB or woods) and also give me a decent rate of fire.


2. The site (I'm not sure about rules regarding posting external sites so I won't name it) I plan to purchase the weapon from states that the FPS is 280. That to me seems quite low and I've seen mixed opinions regarding the true FPS. Most people seem to say about 330 which sounds a tad closer to what I thought to me. Any experience Re this query is much appreciated too :)


3. The gun itself comes with a 130rd mag which doesn't need winding. Would you guys recommend either A. having 5+ of the same mags and reload often but not have to wind or B. Find some suitable high caps that do need winding but leave me only needing 3 or 4 mags. I am truly clueless as to what is best regarding this so AGAIN, any input is great!



In all of those questions my biggest worry is the battery as I really have no idea. Like I said, I'm looking for one that'll last as long as possible and also give a decent rate of fire. Unfortunately you'll have to get down to basics with me concerning size, voltage, mah ect.


Just had another thought - Regarding batteries, no idea with chargers either! I'm sorry :(


Many Many thanks in advance for any advice you can give me guys, really it is VERY appreciated.



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And another friend of the Grange joins AFUK :D


There's a few of us now! We should get a squad sorted for a game or two!


If you're buying from the Grange, they'll let you chrono before you buy :) And Andy will pretty much explain EVERYTHING to do with anything to you if you just drop in and bug him :D

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And another friend of the Grange joins AFUK :D


There's a few of us now! We should get a squad sorted for a game or two!


If you're buying from the Grange, they'll let you chrono before you buy :) And Andy will pretty much explain EVERYTHING to do with anything to you if you just drop in and bug him :D


That's good to know mate, thanks! Good to know as I've never actually been there! lol. Will be my local site though so once my gear is sorted, I'll be on it like... Some one who likes to airsoft!


I wasn't planning on buying from the grange but if they have G&P M4A1 carbines then I'd much rather help out my local than some random website!


If not, can you advise me on some general info regarding batteries anyway bud? I'm utterly clueless as to what voltage, mah, size ect to go for. I'm sure Andy can sort me out but I'd like to have a general idea you know? :)


Also, nice to know I'm not the only night owl! lol


Thanks again buddy,




That's good to know mate, thanks! Good to know as I've never actually been there! lol. Will be my local site though so once my gear is sorted, I'll be on it like... Some one who likes to airsoft!


I wasn't planning on buying from the grange but if they have G&P M4A1 carbines then I'd much rather help out my local than some random website!


If not, can you advise me on some general info regarding batteries anyway bud? I'm utterly clueless as to what voltage, mah, size ect to go for. I'm sure Andy can sort me out but I'd like to have a general idea you know? :)


Also, nice to know I'm not the only night owl! lol


Thanks again buddy,





Sorry I'm going back on myself once again! I've just had a look at the Grange store and found they don't sell a G&P M4A1 but do sell a King Arms one. What would you take, G&P or KingArms? :)

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a mid cap mag (the mag is spring loaded) is ok if you like to reload a lot there lighter, quieter and more reliable but you can be over whelmed by hi caps (the mag is wound up) heaver since they carry more ammo, a lot louder not as reliable but you wont need to reload as much.


the king arms m4 looks like a better weapon

a note on battery's get a lipo they will last all day and the next

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a mid cap mag (the mag is spring loaded) is ok if you like to reload a lot there lighter, quieter and more reliable but you can be over whelmed by hi caps (the mag is wound up) heaver since they carry more ammo, a lot louder not as reliable but you wont need to reload as much.


a note on battery's get a lipo they will last all day and the next


Thanks Craig :) Big help. I think I'll go for highcaps as I doubt I'll be doing too much CQB.


I don't suppose you have a recommendation for a certain battery? In all the reviews I've read/seen the battery space has been a big issue so I'm struggling to find one that will give good ROF, last all day but still fit okay.


Thanks again mate,




Either KA or G&P are good, but if you go down there and have a chat with them they might have a G&P somewhere (they don't keep the shop website updated very well) :)


Awesome, I'm heading there later this month for my first skirmish with REAL guns! lol. Excited to say the least ;) can't decide between heading to their CQB site or not.


I'll have a word when I'm there :) Just wish the G&P had a bigger battery compartment :(


Seriously fellas, thanks for the swift replies. I've been lurking on a few sites for the past few weeks trying to decide whether I want to go for this and after your kind advice tonight, decision made! No more paintball for me :P Goodbye shooting 5 penny coins...


Seriously multiposting here but decision made! Promise.. lol.


Loving the kingArms M4 and the fact I can support the grange through buying one really appeals to me. Also like you've said, I can head down there and get some real advice on it! I'll get myself a set of 5 highcap mags and that should really set me off. Have a list of the rest of my loadout so now it's three games and hopefully I can really get into it!

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I'd advise going to the Grange first; you can play at both sites during those first three games, but the CQB site IS very intense and can get people a bit riled up so I like to recommend people play at the outdoor site first.


Glad you've made a decision though :D


I doubt you'll be disappointed in the airsoft world! Most people abandon paintball never to return!

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I'd advise going to the Grange first; you can play at both sites during those first three games, but the CQB site IS very intense and can get people a bit riled up so I like to recommend people play at the outdoor site first.


Glad you've made a decision though :D


I doubt you'll be disappointed in the airsoft world! Most people abandon paintball never to return!


Thanks mate I'll head to the grange first then :) Do you have membership there? Just wondering as I'd like to make this a regular thing but if they don't run many open skirmishes, membership wouldn't be worth it!

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Agreed with going to the grange first.


My first time at honiley was thier night game... i got lost very quickly :P


They hold at least 1 game a week, should be fine.

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Agreed with going to the grange first.


My first time at honiley was thier night game... i got lost very quickly :P


They hold at least 1 game a week, should be fine.


Great :D Well excited then! Pretty much got my full loadout planned out. Just still so unsure of batteries and chargers :(


For a KingArms M4A1 would a 1600 mAh 8.4v Ni-MH Mini be okay for a day? Or would I need two for the day, or a completely different battery! Also, what charger would you guys recommend?

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I've had a 8.4V 1600mAh battery last a whole day. Depends on how trigger happy you are.


Not too sure what batt size the M4a1 takes. Could fit that, could fit bigger.


You'll be wanting to rent for the first 3 games before buying. Just ask in the shop and they'll give you some advice etc.

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I've had a 8.4V 1600mAh battery last a whole day. Depends on how trigger happy you are.


Not too sure what batt size the M4a1 takes. Could fit that, could fit bigger.


You'll be wanting to rent for the first 3 games before buying. Just ask in the shop and they'll give you some advice etc.


Yeah I'll definitely be renting for the first three. Don't want to go buying an ugly two tone just because I couldn't wait to get registered!


I've seen 'smart' charger dotted around but still have no clue as to what they do and what normal chargers don't. Is there any chance you could direct me to a site with a decent charger bud? On the basis that I'd be using that aforementioned 8.4 1600 battery (or two!)


Thanks again,



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first airsoft site i went to in England was grange with just a shotgun good times :rolleyes:

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Hi mate smart chargers are chargers that when the batterys are charged it slows right down the charging rate to stop damaging the battery.for a m4 you want either a mini battery,stick battery or a nunchuck battery,i have a smart charger and 2 batterys for a m4 for sale, heres the link http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/?showtopic=10487 i will do a deal for all 3 .please pm me to discuss prices

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first airsoft site i went to in England was grange with just a shotgun good times :rolleyes:


Good to know you enjoyed it mate! :) can't wait :D have my ukara form ready to get started. Ordered 5000 .2 bbs so hopefully that'll do me for the day.


Wish there were a loadout creator (not for the gun, the gear that you wear). I have a picture in my head of what I'll eventually wear once registered but it would bbe nice to see it!


Hi mate smart chargers are chargers that when the batterys are charged it slows right down the charging rate to stop damaging the battery.for a m4 you want either a mini battery,stick battery or a nunchuck battery,i have a smart charger and 2 batterys for a m4 for sale, heres the link http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/?showtopic=10487 i will do a deal for all 3 .please pm me to discuss prices


Thanks for that bud :) I just had a look at your post. Would that charger be compatible with most other batteries?

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Yes mate apart from lipo,it charges all size batterys and has a large tamiya connecter and a mini tamiya connecter,it just needs a 2 pin american to 3 pin british plug converter,about 3 quid from boots,as its a american charger

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