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Ics L85A2 mag dilemma

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Hi I recently got an ICS L85A2 and was wonering if anyone knew what mags will be compatible. I know JG and Lonex mags do not work so what does that is reasonably cheap ?

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ARES mags are pretty good with the L85!


As are magpul!


Go to a game, ask anyone that uses M4 style mags if you can borrow one to see if it feeds OK, then check what type they are for the ones that do work. Problem solved if you buy those.

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Magpull EMags work a treat in it, and look really nice too! ^_^


MAG mid-caps sort of work, found mine to be a bit hit and miss, occasional missfeeds.

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Will D-boys fit or King arms? D-boys are quite cheap and King arms do great mid cap bundles

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Mag mid caps work fine for me in my L85, can't see why the L86 would be any different.

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Mag mid caps work fine for me in my L85, can't see why the L86 would be any different.


It's less the gun and more the magazines.


Both MAG and KA magazines are kinda, well, all over the place, breaking in or not, some boxes of 'em just kinda suck whilst others I've sworn by...

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The first pack of KA midcaps i got literally took 4 months to break in.


I would do all the usual stuff, lubing the first bb then sending the rest down, taking out the spring and stretching it slightly and other various techniques 2 days before every game i went too and they still jammed during every single game.


Then one day they just stopped jamming and worked fine, awkward bastards they were. They still jam occasionally if i use anything but blasters.


My mp5 MAG midcaps didnt even need breaking in they just worked perfect from day one, My Beta project midcaps wouldn't work full stop untill i heatshrinked wrap around the follower to stop it moving around asmuch as it does stock.


It would be nice if midcaps had higher QC when made

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Mag mid caps work fine for me in my L85, can't see why the L86 would be any different.


Considering how I use mine in my L85 and not my L86... and that internally they're exactly the same apart from barrel length :lol:

It's just urine-poor QC on MAG's part. Mine miss feed horrifically, my mate Rob (before he sold his M16) had half of his mags non-functional, the other half worked flawlessly.


I have no idea if D-Boys fit, I've never seen anyone try.

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