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hello, help and advice needed

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hello my name is hutton and i am from derbyshire. i have experiance with firearms and have only just discovered about airsofting recently after a mate at was work was chatting with me down on the ranges. hes told me all about airsofting but didnt seem to sure about advising me with gear.

id like to know what the best AEG assult rifles are within the price band on £250 and below.

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  Devastator said:
Welcome to the forums :)


Do you have any particular favourites as to what you might want?


im open to all weapons except the sa80 as i use that way to often at work lol and im getting bored of it. and i prefrably wouldnt want the americans M4... appart from that im easy too all weapons :rolleyes:

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Well the M4 variants are the most common AEG so you're pretty stuck there:P They're advisable to be honest. I just bought myself an M14 short barrel though and it's great so far (been plinking in the garden, not skirmished yet).


Oh and mate, I am also from Derbyshire, where abouts are you and which sites do you attend? I'm a member at Skirmish Airsoft and I must advise it. It's really good!

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