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RA-Tech M4

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It looks so pretty...


I wonder if it'll be any better than the RA Tech modified WE rifles.


I'm not a fan of the burst M4s though, burst M16s are awesome, why couldn't they have made it an M16?


Don't really like the Stoner or Knights Armament trades either.

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I'm impressed, 3rd burst seems a little slow, but that's probably down to the weight of the bcg- ra tech

are the OEM for INO's bcg too and it wouldn't surprise me if it was the same one or very similar.

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F*ck a duck.


I didn't think ANYTHING would be able to do that to a propane can, not even a hammer...


What's the capacity of the Pro-Win mags? Bolt lock never happened after about 45 shots when he tested it.


The kick looks beastly though.


Everyone says WA systems are great because there are so many parts available? Well where the hell do we buy parts from here in the UK?

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Pro-win mags= 50rounds :)

Cant buy parts in the UK i'm afraid (or if you can theres isn't much in terms of choice)

WGC and Ehobbyasia stock loads of WA stuff so ordering from abroad is probably you're only choice.

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CO2. Job done.


A lot of people in the Scoutthedoggie videos seem to manage alright, it's like they're magic or something.

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It's true Ed many people use gas and witchcraft in Scotland :P


Maybe one day I will convert to gas but for now im AEG's and springers


That said I think the next thing on my to buy list is a KWA 226 PTP

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