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Lt Earholes

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  1. if i was in power, i would find emwazi's family, make a video stating that if he doesnt give up his hostages and hand himself in then we will hang 1 family member per day till he is found.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Lt Earholes

      Lt Earholes

      Would I publicly announce that I have disowned him yes. Otherwise, people who know he is part of the family, would wonder why you haven't come out and slated him for what he is doing and thus making them believe that you aren't against it. Thus being Isis sympathisers. Isis sympathisers are not innocent people.

    3. AirsoftTed


      I'd imagine they're doing their best not to believe it, you'd probably find it hard to come to terms with your son ( who you've raised and is considered a reflection of yourself) to be capable of those acts.

    4. Albiscuit


      *just deletes about 3 paragraphs but this gets us nowhere* Im out!!

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