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  1. Skirmish tomorrow at 9... should probably sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      I love rugby. Until I get tackled by some kid who's 6ft 4. I'm weak so I just go flying.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Yeah that happens to me... We have a boy on our team who loves the glory but hates to have to earn it: He's the coaches son so.....Anyway when ever he sees someone come at him he randomley throws the ball and 9 times out of ten im the one who catches it and has to run like f*ck and the only is forward, it doesn't help that people in my time like to be INFRONT of the player with the ball (sigh) so that doesn't help either. I'm the youngest and smallest in my team and because th...

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      There aren't many in our team we have to join up with the team a year above us so I have 15 year olds running and sending me flying.... But I still love that "feeling" you get when there's loads of them and you just ran faster than 'em all.....( another sigh)

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