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Everything posted by Fugi94

  1. All the sites near me require one piece protection was thinking about getting hero shark to attach boogie regulators to a mesh How much would a battle belt cost?
  2. Yes this great but was thinking of leaving the rig out as they cost a lot ( I think ) and I'll buy an extra hicap as it's just easierCan I ask what boots do you use? And face protection ( was thinking about hero shark? )
  3. Ah aha yes have you heard about the t4-18 being good
  4. I was thinking about getting two tone t4-18 then strip it when I get a defence I know sniping isn't for me ain't got the patience also will be renting for a few games
  5. As simple as that ah aha ok thanks
  6. Im thinking of getting the t4-18 gen 2 But come to think if I should get the combat machine I want a good gun that I won't need to replace for a while I thought with the combat machine after a year I would replace it for something better and I thought I may as well get the better gun now when I have the money So I want to know your opinions and what differences there are I know the combat machines are great starter guns but I don't want to have to replace it in a year or two On a side note is the t4-18 gen 2 a reliable gun and worth the money I've read positive but also negative reviews is it safer to go with gc16 raider( metal combat machine)
  7. Was just wondering where do you Manchester airsofters ( if there are any) skirmish at as I'm yet to find anywhere close and open regularly

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I live like 10 mins away from Halo Mill, I think it's good if you can get there on a weeknight for a bit but it's very small. I wouldn't go there for a full day skirmish personally.

    3. Fugi94


      Ok thanks going this weekend to either Cerberus or first and only probably will go to f&o as it's cheaper £40 for the best hire kit whilst Cerberus is £45 with normal hire kit is this the right decision bear in mind this is my first skirmish

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      They should both be good so yeah I don't think you'll be making a bad decision. I don't go airsofting as much as I'd like unfortunately and I haven't been to any of Cerberus' sites, but I do know First & Only are good (went to their Hey Wood site for my first skirmish, just before it closed)

  8. You do not need to be over 18 to manufacture a rif just have a defence
  9. I presume ut getting two tone as i doubt your aunt is a regular skirmisher If u want an rif you can strip the gun after playing a few months of skirmishing and collecting photos as a defence as age does not matter in manufacturing an rif just have to have a defence
  10. Seems to have a lot of problems is it worth buying I was thinking about getting the gen 2
  11. This is going to sound really noobish But hear goes when us guys say battery bag is that something you put the lipo in for charging ?
  12. That applies to two tone toany person under the age of 18 can legally own an rif(black) gun just not buy it so your options are be gifted or manufactures gun ( need proof that you are a regular skirmisher)
  13. Do you know anywhere where I can get these (gen 2 ) as pro airsoft supplies is out of stock
  14. what is the difference between the t4-18 and the tr4-18. Are they both g&g ( not sure how to put it in red please change ) Moderator note: to change the colour of your writing, highlight your text and use the button next to the text-size tab with the paintbrush click on that and it will open a menu of colours.
  15. I meant under 16 as that's what the full face applies to
  16. Also what fps will t4-18 fire at out of the box And what is the difference between tr4-18 and the t418
  17. Anybody use f&o under 18 ?
  18. Which site do you use thanks
  19. What do the other u18 users of this forum wear Would be good to get personal recommendations Is mesh a good option? I would put shooting glasses underneath
  20. Ok thanks it's just that there seem to be no quality one piece protection and glasses and and mesh half face just looks cooler!
  21. I read the waiver insurance for f&o and it says you must have a one piece full face protection( for u16). Could I come to a agreement with them?
  22. I didn't reliese I was just told m416 sorry
  23. Thanks guys which of the two chargers is better ? And will the battery work with the t4-18
  24. So you recommend stretch my budget a bit and getting hk m416 ?
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