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  1. ANY1 at anzio this tommorow?

  2. how much is a used dan wesson 8nch worth it is quite good condition only comes with shells though

    1. sp00n


      They don't have a hop, so have low range. and unless you have powerdown shells there somewhere in the region of 400'ish fps ... so may be too hot to use.


      but they do look cool

    2. Fugi94


      Yes my m8 has one and rarely uses it, as it is too hot so figured I might buy it with a few power down shells

      Just want to know how much they go for second hand?

  3. yes i would be very sure before you go down the sniper route, they are expensive and take alot of pacience
  4. Which 1? http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=7304 http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=267_314_426&products_id=4325 can people aslo say why they have picked he gun they picked
  5. anyone going to be going to anzio this saturday

    1. THE FNG

      THE FNG

      I will be, with our team, L.O.S Airsoft. First time I've been since Since November 11th!

  6. if i buy the adapter will the charger work?
  7. finding that very hard to comprehend in the instruction manual for balenced charge it says in need the out put plugged into the charger as well as the balance sockets
  8. yes but i still think i require a tamiya to mini tamiya adapter?
  9. will this work? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MAVERICK-ION-XB-1-18-TRUGGY-MV28059-BATTERY-CONNECTOR-ADAPTER-TAMIYA-TO-MINI-TAM-/351201733410?pt=UK_ToysGames_RadioControlled_JN&hash=item51c5412b22
  10. what exactly do i need as in male and female connectors is it a tamiya (not sure what gender) to mini tamiya (not sure what gender)
  11. or do i have to do something with the crocodile clips
  12. i have a problem i dont know what do do from here as these connectors are different do i need to buy an adapter
  13. so you are saying i should store this partially charged?
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