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Posts posted by Trojan

  1. If you were going to use a stock magazine pouch and want to hide the wires, you'll have to run them up through the stock tube to hide them. Then run them to the end of the tube, drill a small hole in the stock itself and pass the wires into the pouch and attach the connector. This will work easily enough if the stock tube is a bit shorter than the actual stock when fully collapsed - you can leave some extra wire coiled in the stock tube to allow you to move the stock in and out too. A rubber butt butt plate will help hide them.


    But to be honest, if you're going to that much trouble the best advice has already been given. Wire it into the tube, and buy two stock tube lipos and change over at lunch time. I'm also a believer that you really need two anyway, in case one goes flat or didn't charge properly.


    which two skinny lipos would you say i get?


    need under 29mm x 29mm wide and high

  2. yeah thought at first with title it was lipo charge bag too

    don't use them but I always keep a very very regular close eye on them charging on a workshop table


    a few years off a colostomy bag hopefully....


    dunno about a great big battery though, might be wise to consider 2 x decent 2200mah lipo's

    can your gun or rather you happy to pump 11.1v through her all time

    could get a 9.9v LiFe battery - or say:


    1 x 11.1v 2200mah

    1 x 9.9v Life battery


    one battery may last a full day but that is what you have half time or lunch for

    plus all eggs in one basket - bit heavy and if it goes tit$ up you lost ya only battery

    no other backup so to speak


    yes 2 batteries may cost a little more than 1 great big mother battery

    ergh but you got bag cost to add to big mother battery too


    or say sod it, loads of gaffa/duct tape and nick ya car battery just going nuts full on mental

    keep a spare motor handy if doing this daft idea of mine - no don't do this last bit


    I barely understand what you're even trying to say haha!


    I get most of what you mean though, get two batteries, smaller but that way if one blows and rapes a cabbage I still have a spare.


    Hmm for those batteries you got any recommendations on brands, thinking vapetex/turnigy/cheapy weapy ones


    LiFe's are about £21 (£16 + 5)

    11.1s should be like £20 or something hopefully

    + charger (turnigy accucel/ imax b6 /some good brand) £25-30


    so a lipo set up should cost about £60 ish brand new hmm ok

  3. Because im going to invest into a lipo set up want to know if you guys use a battery bag, and if so what is the proper name for them. I just want to use big 4k 25c 11.1s on my gun and my stock tube is crammed with the mosfet wires lol.


    Anyone link to a google search of these battery bags on an m4, want to see how people get the wire into the pouch and what they look like.



    whats a good pouch to get? and are they relatively cheap?



    additionally, i dont want to wire it like this - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=m4+battery+pouch&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=dnHnU6nVIOic0QXXpIDIAQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=943#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=NokpOjjdDBIqfM%253A%3Bc4aG02sEQPXfpM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.shortyusa.com%252Fcart%252Fimages%252F1954.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.shortyusa.com%252Fcart%252Fviewitem.html%253FII%253D1954%3B632%3B436


    because i have a sling plate and want to use a sling

  4. New Gearset:

    I have to purchase a new gear set now, I hear only to get CNC made ones. These are some gear sets available in the UK right now, but if there are better in my price range (£20, $~40).









    also for the shs super shooter cncs can i remove the small bushing and if not what is it for

    what ratio should i be going for an m140 setup and should i just buy JG gears instead for $10 lol

  5. As far as I remember - and it's been years I've taken apart a KA M4 - the pins are locked, so you can't push them all the way through, but they stop right before falling out. They are retained by a tiny spring loaded ball that is held in place by a tiny allen screw.


    To take out the gearbox you must remove the rear pin. Maybe this retaining mechanism is screwed in too tight so it won't allow the rear pin to move. Look for a tiny hole on the other side as the picture near and perpendicular to the pin.



    Thank you very much. Although you did not hve the answer I removed the butterfly clip and then the pin came straight out. Its still self retaining and ideally after the scratches I made on it I would love to remove and replace it, even without the clip it wont fully come out - any ideas?

  6. If I removed the six out of 9 hex screws that lock the GB you think that will help?


    Could you send this samurai guy to check out this thread. I don't know full link to his profile :P


    What could I do to ensure inside the GB nothing is touching the pin, it may be selector plate jammed the pin into the wrong angle, so when I hit it it goes a little in but is jammed into the metal of the GB

  7. Something is definetly broke n jammed inside the GB itself. thanks for the help ill try and detail it as much as possible.


    Heres an image of the current status. The rear pin keeps popping up once I let go of the pressure on it. I can use brute force but I get about 5mm of movement downwards on the rear pin and then it suddenly will not move. At all. once i let go of the punch it prongs back up


    I really cant figure whats going on.. the safe selector is very hard to move towards, semi and auto do not move the trigger trolly and safe does not move trigger at all







  8. My KA gearbox is stuck. Have removed the trigger pin, front pin, bolt catch, mag catch, stock screw, stock, upper receiver and motor grip but the damn thing is stuck in there.


    the rear pin goes in about 0.5cm and then pops back up. i cant use a light to see whats happening though and cant figure out why its not clear to go through.


    selector is on semi/safe mid way to ease the process, no fix. safe is a but hard to budge the selector (apart of the problem) and on safe the trigger is completely jammed and will not move at all, on semi / auto the trigger will not move the trigger trolley at all.

  9. Why do you even think an officer will just randomly pull a perfectly legal driver over and ask to inspect your bag to hope he would find an RIF.


    Jesus Christ man, the police have better things to do! They're public servants that don't get enough praise.


    If you are really scared, do these things; get a gun bag, drive safely, build a positive relationship with an employee/ owner of the skirmish site. You're covered from all ends there then.



    My advice? Wait a few years. Buy a cheap second hand, enjoy it, learn how to use guns properly, learn how to maintain and service rifles, upgrade it ( if you want ) and learn to become your own technician. THEN buy a gun worth lots of £££. By then you will be able to afford it, you will be old enough, and most importantly you will have the knowledge required to successfully maintain and understand the correct use of an AEG.

  10. The seller is commiting an offence. Its his risk.


    What are you so worried for lol just buy a gun from a friend at a site or ask a friend to purchase one for you. You don't really seem capable of purchasing a RIF though, yes it is good to ask questions, but it is better to research them first. There are a billion trillion threads from kids asking the same thing and you could read up on law while your out there googling what you want.


    Owning an RIF is not illegal. Purchasing one is not illegal. Selling one IS illegal.


    The VCRA was intended to stop sellers from selling to under age kids to ensure that the sport remains a sport and is regulated by airsoft sites.

  11. I wouldn't be able to give a reliable guess but it'll be lower than you'd expect (bigger spring takes more energy to pull) but if you're running the gun as a semi auto sniper platform you're probably not going to be emptying whole high caps game in game out (if you are, you're doing it wrong!) so battery life is unlikely to be an issue.


    A conservative estimate would be that you might get 800 shots out of a big battery like that with the setup you're using... it'd probably be much more, but I'd say no less than 800. All dependent on a huge array of factors though.


    Ok great.


    As for 14.8 I think I'll actually tone it down to 11.1 because a lot of people say 14.8 are only used for extreme set ups and experienced techs, none of this I am ;P


    As well as the fact 14.8 will ruin motor brushes very quick on my A2.


    These have very high discharge rates and should accommodate. http://www.componentshop.co.uk/11-1v-2200mah-50c-continuous-discharge.html


  12. No lock ups? Thank god! I keep getting lock ups when pulling the trigger. I found the fix for that though, so if anyone else has any lock ups simply tell them to shoot properly.


    Seriously, lock ups happen due to poor trigger control because when we imitate real guns we go pew pew pew and fire as quick of a pull as possible, this is bad in airsoft terms because it doesn't allow the cut off lever to engage properly and a quick pull gives barely enough connection anyway. What we should do is cycle the trigger properly, pulling it all the way back.


    A 14.8.. that sounds highly awesome and highly ........ lots of volts lol. I am using a good quality non ab FET which so far has never actually gotten warm at all when used properly (heats up when motor is in reverse polarity hahah)


    Where do they sell 14.8s and are they safe for the motor? It sounds ideal for my setup. Also for chargers will I have to get a very expensive fancy one, how much should I budget for batteries and charger? I don't mind spending more but I guess I have to wait because as you see I am in the process of revamping and touching up my current gun and that can get expensive.

  13. Am I using mini or regular deans? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390266120100?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649


    OK so I am running high torque with power springs... will definitely need more.


    Is this battery good (as long as I measure my stock to measure the fit) http://www.componentshop.co.uk/11-1v-2600mah-cranestock-battery.html


    Could you link me to a thread that explains what the discharge rate actually is and what it does?

  14. What I like about this forum is the mods actually get stuck in and share info instead of just turning up to waive the ban hammer and tell folk what they've done wrong. I've been on many a forum for a few different things and this is the only one where a mod (Ian) has PMd me with eBay links to stuff I was looking for. I mean, can you imagine that happening on Z1?


    To be fair Z1 is a commercial forum for their own shop. It's good to have forums promoting their own products, as long as they are not bias. Take a look at OcUK... obviously any forums still a better forum than Z1 but OcUK are similar to how they use their forums to promote their own marketing.


    Still having said that, its even better to have forums promoting the best price for the best products. :)

  15. I would like to purchase 11.1/7.4 lipos (1-2 for now) and a charger to charge them. Wheres the best place to get lipos in the UK, should I be looking at hobbyking or component shop?


    I also don't need NIMH/NICD charger because my smart charger already charges NIMHs


    and what C rating should I go for, 25c - 30c or is 20c good enough




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