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Everything posted by LegoJon

  1. Daymn! Got more rail than the Great Western Railway. Like it a lot!
  2. British Airsoft Club @ two_zero. Thanks for the welcomes.
  3. Hi guys. I have recently purchased a pair of Baofeng GT-3 radios and I'm looking at the z-tactical bowmans headset (which is supplied with the Kenwood 2 pin type PTT). I've read that the Kenwood 2 pin is compatible with Baofeng/Woxun/Pofeng radios but was wondering if anyone here has or has had a baofeng radio and used similar or same headset. Thanks in advance. Jon
  4. Fancy making me a copy and pointing me in the directiom of strapping? I'm after a helmet but don't want to be lugging about a heavy beasty.
  5. I've had experience of this with automotive parts. It's iffy. At best ok. If you want my advice, pay someone to do a pro paint job.
  6. Meh, you need this motley cru... And a tacticool dog.
  7. So. Here's my two main AEG's. A bitsa (bits of this and that) M4 and my Sig Saur 556. I'm new to the sport and bought both guns second hand. The Sig was from a chap from my local site and he has guided me through the mine field that is purchasing a RIF. The M4 was from a Facebook page. I've re sprayed the M4 quad rail and suppressor black. The Sig has a 6x40 scope and the M4 a generic red dot. The Sig is firing 350fps on .2's and the M4 is at 280fps on the same .2's. I also have an M9 NGBB pistol which is pretty cool.
  8. Good morning, looks like its going to be a lovely sunny one out there! I'm Jon, I've been playing for 5 months and love it. I have an ICS Sig Saur 556 and a G&G (bitsa) M4. I'm a 95 DPM kinda guy who loves long skirmishes, freeze dried field rations and generally getting stuck in. Looking forward to having a mooch about. It was an article on the BAC that brought me here, so I figured I'd sign up. Take care guys, stay frosty!
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