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The Leprechaun!

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Everything posted by The Leprechaun!

  1. Is it really a MK5? Because the British Army replaced all its MK5s (which were steel i believe) with MK6s in the 80s (which are made out of ballistic nylon fibre), though it wouldn't surprise me if cadets kit hasn't been updated yet, you probably won't see MTP till 2050
  2. Very nice Hugh! Though it does look like a tuning fork in some instances doesn't it...?
  3. Which version? AR/SAR etc? I quite fancy a AR at some point... And please say they're FGs? God damn that camo pattern is sexy!!
  4. Warrior RICAS Compact in OD arrived today, was only £70 for that, 5 open-top 556 mag pouches, 3 closed-top 556 mag pouches and a radio pouch (all MOLLE), damn its beautiful...
  5. Do it Hugh, you know you want to... Plus it does look very nice Ed! And haha aye Hugh its a good photo, gonna have to get a full group one sorted out over Easter at some point!
  6. Just seen this, and to clarify, it WAS meant as a JOKE. Im sure Dave wont mind me saying that this occurs between all our close group of airsoft friends, but it is categorically NOT in anyway meant as offensive or malicious, indeed both myself and Dave have plenty of homosexual friends and we would never think to offend them in any form. Am i sorry for any offence caused but again i reiterate the fact that it was a JOKE. Anyways, back to loadouts! (going to shamelessly use Daves idea, hopefully these a public and you can see em...) Woodland: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324...0784&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324...0784&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324...0784&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324...0784&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324...0784&type=3 (Favorite!! ) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324...0784&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324...0784&type=3 (prizes picking out Dave and Hubert there...) Urban: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=101...0784&type=3 (hopefully a RICAS will be coming in the next few days )
  7. Got a KJW Glock 19 with IMI polymer holster yesterday, so so sweet!
  8. I definitely want a go this sunday, that looks sweet!!
  9. Ahh i see, ingenious! And haha isnt airsoft in general a bottemless pit for cash? I know it is for me...
  10. Is that a new gun you got there Nutster, or has that barrel shortened considerably by itself recently?
  11. Tbh i havent got it either lol, since my xbox has died atm However, i have played on it and it does seem to be better than the previous one. And yeah im into it mainly for the realism (no dual wielding Glock 18c's on painkiller with 'uber-armour' or whatever **** they have in COD these days )
  12. Flashpoint all the way...
  13. Huberts L96 is really fussy about STANAG mags, he's tried a few of mine and Daves, sometimes theyl work, sometimes they wont, might wanna drop him a PM or wait till he replies here, but i think the ICS ones are the best to go for (since they will be the most likely ones to work)
  14. No worries, yeah i would say just leave the mag out but then it wouldnt be much use... And haha good times, maybe instead of a bayonet? (if it has a bayonet lug? )
  15. Loving the pistol (apart from the mag!) and the Famas looks ok (bit indifferent about them tbh) though does it have an inbuilt spring-loaded white flag?
  16. I think theres an M4 underneath there somewhere! Still, its only marginly worse than a 'fagpulled' up gun!
  17. Yeah, got my OD and Blue/White ones off Dave on sunday, theyre fantastic, look great and are really well made, cheers!
  18. Third picture down looks like your pushing yourself away from that tree onto the ground!
  19. God thats gonna take a while WITH ALL THOSE GUNS!! I would do the same, but for stupid iphones and lack of photo-uploading-ability!
  20. Haha protection always helps (whey!) Anyway, on a serious note, maybe not jeans though, if they get wet, like in a woodland, then can get VERY wet and heavy, take an age to dry and are generally really uncomfortable. Any from of (proper) camos/walkig trousers will be fine, as long as you wear darkish clothing then you wont stand out too much lol!
  21. You gonna bother with camo? Most people do but at the ranges airsoft is played at it dosent really matter (apart from possibly in summer in a heavily wooded forest) And please say you have eye protection lol?
  22. Haha yeah i dont actually feel too bad surprisingly! And the Bergardi TYR vest? Im selling it if your interested?
  23. Doing the dreaded 'c' word... coursework! Was on a red bull break, got bored so went on this I have now officially be awake for... 29 and 1/2 hours
  24. Cheers Dave you get my text? Well, ill be wanting one anyway, might wanna ask rob too... And thanks to all those thats organised this, finally gonna have a different badge than just Union Jacks!
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