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The Leprechaun!

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Posts posted by The Leprechaun!

  1. For those of you who haven't been before, with how some people were dressed for the past 2 years I've been, there is definitely no kit limits, literally wear what you want, I've seen silly things like monks, nuns, some weird PVC suits that look like something out of a BDSM video (don't ask) right up to a full US Vietnam-era platoon of enthusiasts etc.


    Pics for last year (not mine): https://secure.flickr.com/photos/guyver-47/sets/72157635227243121

    Its not a mil-sim, its more like a festival for airsofters (that's how i see it anyway, just with less music and more shootin'!) Its what you wanna make of it, go uber-hardcore/realistic or just have some fun (i usually try and stick to the middle ground). :)


    I should be there with some mates again, hopefully see y'all there. Should be good fun.

  2. Cheers for the suggestions and help so far, its been really helpful! After reading more into this and browsing a bit more, I've now started to look as this:


    With a dual Intel Core i7 processor, 8GB RAM (2x4GB), 256 GB SSD and NVIDIA GT 640M graphics for £784.98 (thrown in 64-bit Windows7 as well) that seems pretty good to me (its the certainly the one with the highest specs for the lowest price I've been able to find, and only 4/5 days shipping rather than a month (build time included) from Scan, and ideally i need it asap as my old one has bitten the dust today, joys of joys...)

  3. Before anyone everyone goes bat shit crazy and tell me desktops are far better than laptops for gaming, I'm aware. However, due to being at a university quite a distance away from home, and generally moving around the country quite a lot of the time, i need the portability of a laptop at the expense of better desktop options out there. And no i won't be persuaded otherwise, so don't bother :P


    Price range is anywhere between £400 and £800 (ish), already I've had one friend suggest the Lenovo Ideapad z580, whilst another has suggested this:



    Is either of these a good buy (I'm thinking more the 3XS Graphite rather than the Lenovo atm), has anyone used Scan before and any other recommendations/suggestions?


    Also, I'm clueless when it comes to computers, so layman's terms if possible...





  4. Unfortunately that's as tight as it will get and I have a very high metabolism so tightly fitting my plate carrier is nigh on impossible.



    If you have a small build (as am i), Warrior RICAS Compacts should be small enough, but you could always try a belt rig if not? :)


    Or hit the gym? :L

  5. Ahh haha yeah thats true, standard internet really :L


    Good stuff, and yes in our SOPs we usually have our gunner at the front, plus for me personally it makes sense, but in reality it depends what you've got weapon wise, what you think works, what you've been told to do be your superiors (especially in some milsims) for example a recce patrol I'd have a scout up front, but for a fighting patrol have a gunner up front. Apologies i should have said generally that's one way in which you can structure it. Again, its what works for you. :)

  6. For the order of march (OOM) for the fire team (FT), i'd suggest having the support gunner at the front, therefore when contacted to the front he can lay down loads of cover fire whilst the others from a baseline to attack/bug out. If you have him 3rd man, he can't do this, meaning the guy with the most firepower in your FT is useless, unless the FT forms a baseline, but this can take time.


    Dont have the marksman as 2IC either, he has enough to concentrate on shooting people than ordering people around, therefore:


    Gunner (Pointman)

    FT IC (normal assault rifle)

    Marksman (DMR/sniper)

    FT 2IC (normal assault rifle)


    IC does the gucci ordering people around and war-y stuff, 2IC does all the admin and makes sure no one gets lost (hence at the back)


    Also, contact drills can be broken down to simply RTR:

    Return fire

    Take cover

    Return effective fire (after identifying the enemy posn)


    (oops got beaten to it there, all well)


    Hope this helps, and no offence but perhaps mention you don't have much experience in the first place. :)

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