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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. I would never claim to be something I'm not by wearing the lid, but I could see how it would cause some people to be disgruntled, hence the post. I presume that rank insignia is frowned upon for the same reason, I.e, they are earned? Russe11, the fez MUST be worn, fella!
  2. Found it! No waaaaaay. Fantastic....... However, idea and semi humorous comment shattered. Lol
  3. Thanks to you all. I shall err on the side of caution and wear a fez. No, not really, I'll invest in a boonie. Last thing I would want to do is cause any friction.
  4. I am obviously a newbie and still building up loadouts etc. I have considered using either the maroon beret of The Parachute Regiment or the green beret of the Marines (amongst others) However, I have always been a great believer that those are earned through bloody hard work and would not wish to disrespect anyone who has served or, indeed the respective regiments themselves. I would like to get people's opinions (especially from current or ex service people) whether this would be a no-no or to just go ahead as a tribute. Cheers.
  5. My tongue was in my cheek a bit with the dpm. I'm gonna use it anyway! Got a woodland dpm baseball cap to go with it, I'll keep me head down......fashionista I am not.... I have seen the pink m4 on some stores' sites and wondered if it was a RIF. Thanks, guys.....
  6. I have desert dpm. Is it wrong?!!!! Is the pink m4 vcra compliant?? skeet
  7. If I might be so bold as to stick my oar in here.... I am an airsoft newbie but it strikes me that if you're gonna make the claim of being "elite" then you must a) have some form of track record to prove that I.e results AS A TEAM or excellent subject knowledge. You seem to be lacking. (Not criticism just observation) This is pobably why the lads have given you a bit of a hard time. None of your other members on this forum to assist you in your claim?
  8. Like the guys have all said, just turn up and play. I was in your position up till last Sunday. I went on my own to my 1st game. It was fantastic. You won't be the only player that turns up alone. You'll be put into a team anyway. From there its all gravy.
  9. The Tanfoglio Witness is a co2 powered 1911 replica. It can be blowback or non blowbback, and there are specials too. I do believe they are made by cybergun. AFAIK (and will stand corrected by those more knowledgeable than me) in its tanfoglio form it is 4.5mm calibre and classed as an air pistol. The cybergun version is for airsoft. I haven't used one but, when they first came out they sold like hot cakes. The RFD's couldn't restock fast enough. I believe the blowback is better than the non blowback. Hope this helps at least a bit.
  10. Thanks fellas, I went back to pro airsoft and the gun was repaired.Just got it back and it is SUPERB.
  11. BTW the "wrong size" battery was literally just that it was too long, nowt to do with voltage etc.
  12. After reading this forum I took the plunge and bought a CM16 carbine (clear plastic body I have no UKARA registration) from Pro Airsoft supplies. After unboxing all appeared well (couple of minor issues-nothing to worry about) selector switch seemed stiff but, its a new gun, right? Got a battery for it and dry fired it, all OK. The battery had to be replaced because they sent the wrong size. Fitted the second (correct) battery fully charged, selector switched from safe to semi to auto, dry fired OK on each. Back to semi and there it remains, stuck. Fast. Won't go back to safe or auto. Fires BB's ok on semi. (in fact as a newbie to Airsoft guns, I thought it was fantastic!) Anyone have any advice/work arounds before I have to go back to Pro Airsoft? Many thanks for anything you can suggest, Skeeter
  13. Just a "first post" thing to say hello before I go over to the technical forum to start picking brains. I am an absolute Airsoft Virgin, though no spring chicken. (I'm 48 is it wrong to start so late??!!) But I have been a firearms enthusiast most of my life and an air rifle shooter. My initial thing was to buy an airsoft gun so that I could pop targets in my garden but still fire something realistic. HOWEVER, the more I see and read about skirmishing, I might just give it a shot........ Cheers, skeet
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