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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Tm 870 g17 mp7a1 p90 g26
    G&G umg rk47 m14ebr l M4
    Asg sten mk2
  • Loadouts
    Standard black or green camo
  • Sites
    Ucap greenops + bunker
    Combat south woodland
    Land warrior
    Spec ops the rock
    Section 8
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft... Duh
    Shotguns lol

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  1. Hi there just wondering something as i haven't seen a forum like this UKARA EXPIRED !!! im in the armed forces and ran into a snag with ukara as my local site wont renew my ukara as i havent been playing there for a few months and my ukara expired on me as my job has taken me away from my home sometimes for months at a time and as a result i cant play as regularly as i once did but the thing that really annoys me is the fact my local site wont renew it cos legal reasons which is fair enough on there part but as for ukara why is it that just because i cant play at any one given site enough to remake the requirement again due to my jobs circumstances im now not allowed to buy rifs .... im armed forces ffs ive played airsoft for years and have had many rifs so im just making this forum to see if theres anyone else thats ran into this and if there's a way past this because this is just bullshit if ukara doesn't care for the needs of forces personnel....... i might just be getting all annoyed for no reason but i trying to get a few things together before i ship off again and its driving me nuts if im gonna have to go the two tone repainting road only for an expired ukara ><
  2. Shotguns....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Monty


      TM Spas 12 is heavy and clunky. I still loved it though,

    3. Lozart


      The TM SPAS is heavy and awesome and TERMINATOR GUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!!

      Plus, y'know it works well and stuff.

    4. M_P


      Fun but no real advantage over any other type of gun.

  3. mate check your pm's

  4. Check your pm's

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