What a day and what a venue - hot as hell and madness in the nut house!
This was an unbelievably brilliant venue, even though semi-auto (it's ultra-CQB with cleaners cupboards etc - ran into one, swung to take aim at guy behind the door and ended up with barrel in his groin - he dropped the BFG he was about to launch and we called time out, shut the cupboard door to allow him to recover his posture!).
So, PRO's
Excellent marshalling and rotation of them between player and marshall
Brilliant use of scenario minigames and team-turn taking
Mixture of long open corridors with no cover, and small rooms leading to rooms so needing proper room clearance on two levels
Wide and well laid out safe room
Lunch (chips, sausage and a drink!)
Could go on.
Grenades - it was fragging madness! If you didn't have them, you could be stuck in a bottle neck or standoff for 10 minutes, so essential part of your kit (CON as they are key to game changing, and not nice to have a stacked up hallway of 6 players walking back to respawn because of the laughing loon in the closet!)
No ghosts - a few weird moments of panic and dread (this normally during the walk to the respawn where you weren't gonna get hit anyway)
Marshall's silly names - With the likes of Felix, Treebeard, Redneck, Flayl, and so many I tried to remember, you spend ages trying to remember their name when they are playing and have taken the namebadges off - F&O should invest in personalised namebadges for them to put on their kit.
In all, what an epic return to airsoft - half my kit didn't work, the other half broke, and yet I came away with determination to get back there, and more importantly to check out the other F&O Midlands sites as Felix and his crew did a stunning job.
Highly recommend booking up early, they even offer a Friday night kip down if you travel far, maybe that's what I need to do next time to hear bumps in the night ahead of thmps in the morning!
Thanks to all, and can't wait to see the pictures/new footage