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  1. Just watched American Sniper...Didn't really like it.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Chock


      Me too. It's true I disapprove of the Iraq War - weapons of mass destruction anyone? - so naturally I disapprove of glorifying it too, but that's not anti-US, nor anti-Brit sentiment. I've every admiration for the troops, they agree to serve, then go where they are sent, for good or bad. So mine is anti-asshole self-serving politician sentiment, and I'd hoped for a film brave enough to tackle some of that issue, which this film does not do.

    3. Albiscuit


      Its another propaganda film designed to glorify america like Black hawk down. His own autobiography is not in line with the film. Worth a watch, but not as an actual account of what happened..

    4. Saber6-1


      Just another form of American propaganda, like Blackhawk Down? That, in itself is a highly naïve and closed minded opinion. And yes, that is just one individuals opinion. Just as this is my opinion, but I speak from a point of first hand accounting. To say that these films are nothing more than propaganda is like saying movies such as “Battle of Britain” and Twelve O’Clock High” are nothing more than propaganda. They tell a story of a defining moment in a com...

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