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  • Guns
    Tokyo Marui NGRS m4,
    Das gbls GDR-15,
    TM fnx-45,
    Bunch of custom hi-capas
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    Northern Ireland

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  1. Good Evening all,
    has anyone noticed how sometimes pts epm mags for tm ngrs m4 sometimes fall out due to recoil or is it just me. I replaced spring on mags catch but wondering if I need new mag catch now or something.

    1. Emergencychimps


      try inserting your mags slowly and watching the mag catch, does it actually move? Are you sure it's actually been locked into place? If not or not fully, check inside the mag well, it's likely something is in there (Wedged bb etc) that is prevent the mag going all the way in.  When I had this issue it was down to mags not actually catching.


      Also if you have changed the mag release to an ambi one, are you sure you aren't just activating it accidently while moving around. you go to use it and the movement of the rif encourages the mag to fall out. 



    2. Jacob Wright

      Jacob Wright

      Can’t say I’ve had this problem with mine, have got 6 EPM’s and they’ve always worked without issue!

    3. matas17


      @EmergencychimpsOh trust me mags lock most of  the time but sometimes i noticed the randomly fall out without me even pressing mag release button. One thing I've noticed is that pts epm mags have a lot of movement side to side inside magwell once they are inserted in and locked in with mag catch. So what I'm thinking is I might maybe get some velcro and stick it in on one of the sides inside magwell to reduce the wobble. Maybe that's why the mags fall out randomly while shooting.

      And funny thing is standard tm ngrs mags work perfectly never fall or and have minimal wiggle(side to side) but epm's have a lot more.

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