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    ak 74u full steel
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    tac house sparton

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  1. Hello Stocky,


    Is your EBR still for sale? Pop me a PM if it is or not please.

  2. Hi mate


    cant send you a message and wondered where your located to see if we can do a physical swap


    want to email me




  3. Please remember that it is one post per week, 7 days after the last post, as per forum rules.

    Your sales bump should have been on Wednesday 15 Nov. You next bump will now not be froe Sunday 19 Nov unles you sell the gun.


    Simply edit your original post (OP) and include new price, details or updates, that way you do not bump early.



    Cannot send you PM, you may need to delete some old messages.

    1. L3wisD


      He's at it again @Jedi_Master


      Glock sales thread with no price, with a bump three minutes after making the thread :lol:


      Go get'im!

    2. Jedi_Master


      When you edit the OP to include the price, make sure that it is in the correct place and clear to see.

  4. Iv just picket up a we pdw . Need some work need a trigger cear . And i think rhe spring in the piston. Need doing . Eny one do this be for ?
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