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  • Guns
    WE G39C
    SRC Tokarev TT33
    A&K SVD
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    General CQB
    Militia Marksman
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  • Location
    Bookham, England
  • Interests
    Hiphop music, Martial arts, Parkour, Action movie making (I'm always looking for crew members, PM if interested).

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  1. So...what's the deal with miracle barrels?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      and also singing from same page about barrel lengths etc....




      but I'm sure many will say not quite so n all that but does seem that tighter is not always better

      as actress said to the bishop

    3. CES_williamson


      i have one in my tm recoil, its alright, i dont have any problems with it but it doesn't add any insane distance to the bb

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      In theory they should work well,but the Manufacturing quality on the barrel is sub par,especially for a 70 dollar barrel so mosto f the performance gains are thrown out the window in comparison to PDi or prometheus. I'd avoid them since they are over priced for what they are,if you want to spend a lot of a barrel go for PDi or prometheus.

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