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b1n0gHo5t last won the day on July 27 2015

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    will be getting a Cyma tacticool Ak ;-)
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    erm whatever i wear on the day
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    First&only Asylum
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  1. Bellends..bellends everywhere..anyone who uses a modded pad needs to look in the mirror and bitch slap the stupid outta themselves

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Caliber


      Guilty of using jitter, though Argos was selling modded Xbox 360 controllers for less than normal ones a couple years back so it's not entirely my fault.

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      good job the melee on AW is shockingly bad lol

      its the Quickscope and drop shotting..that irks me on the most recent cod games never really noticed on mw2-3

      as for Cod UO & waw i played on the pc where prone button was far easier to access

      but it extends to cheating in general Counter strike is full of it as TF2 lol as peter would say it really grinds my gears

    4. M_P


      Lol why would you spend extra money to get a drop shot nodded controller when you could just change the button layout to tactical? Some people...

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