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b1n0gHo5t last won the day on July 27 2015

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  • Guns
    will be getting a Cyma tacticool Ak ;-)
  • Loadouts
    erm whatever i wear on the day
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    First&only Asylum
    First & only bunker wood
    First & only outpost
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  1. eugh need a game soon..well i need my load out first but..must get game soon need to test the beast back yard plinking just don't cut it

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    2. b1n0gHo5t



      i'll ask my personal driver (sorry pete only kidding) to teach me

      my first game was..well i made a great Mad Doc but shooting..well i just went full retard

      best thing you can be is Cannon fodder for those with skillz

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      lol - Iv'e used those exact words - cannon fodder for the pro's if you find yourself on the wrong team

      keep trying & having fun is what us lesser mortals do in the end - glad ya gun is back up n running

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      Alas its not up and running yet i just found the problem which was a bloated battery :P

      my replacements wont be here till wednesday :( but yeah i'm hoping it's fixed


      haha getting fit would be a start...i cannot keep up with the whipper snappers

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