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  • Guns
    G&P xm177e1
    KWC 1911
    TM hi-capa 4.3
  • Loadouts
    -WIP ‘nam seal kit.
  • Sites
    Trigger Happy
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  • Location
    Lisburn, Northern Ireland

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  1. Ok guys. Can you get guns from tiger111hk to uk without hassle. I have fallen in love with there prices.

    1. TacMaster


      Not if you're U18, and have no UKARA. Even then (if they write your number on the side of the box) customs might seize it randomly.

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Same with TaiwanGun / Gunfire etc (outside UK) but lots of people still use them.

    3. jcheeseright


      with no UKARA I wouldn't chance it. My last order from Japan had my UKARA number with the UKARA logo next to it in BIG letters on the outside of the box and I still had a 7 week argument with customs via post. Without UKARA I can only see one way that argument would have gone.


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