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Del Monty

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Del Monty last won the day on August 6 2014

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  • Guns
    Too many to mention.
  • Loadouts
    Mostly NATO.
  • Sites
    Bristol, Somerset, Midlands
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somerset, UK.
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Photography, Aircraft, Airfix Modeling, History, Art, Military Technology, Video Gaming, You Tube, Women.

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  1. Ohhh Flecktarn.co.uk are selling Marpat stuff off cheap, I think that decides the PieFinder camo.....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Del Monty

      Del Monty

      I'm sure you can be the exception to the rule but you'd have to sport the patch and represent your crew lol

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I like AUSCAM! Especially after seeing what it's like here: http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?156977-AUSCAM-Yowie-(Ghillie-to-the-English) I have seen it on some militaria websites but yeah it still isn't that common.

    4. Russe11


      Lol, all my gear lacks any velcro, and the patch looks all American and stuff! I may be able to do something with some felt that would fit the rules of an AIF unit ID colour patch that would be similar to just the plate with the pie. TBH though, my work schedule would probably make it hard to get to games very often and I save my annual leave for WW2 games.

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