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TomC last won the day on September 6 2016

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  • Guns
    Tippman m4, WE P226 E2, WE G34, G&P m14 DMR recon
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    Bristol Airsoft
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  1. (excuse me while I treat the "whats on your mind box like a facebook status) ... Going to bed early as I have to be up at 4:00 am to catch 3 trains to ADSC Pirbright for Army Selection.. Wish me luck :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mta111


      How did it go then? :)

    3. TomC


      Hi! Thanks for the well wishes guys :) My body aches like never before! I have "more or less passed" I'm on medical deferral until I get some glasses as my vision is not good enough for the Army Air Corps. Was a great experience! Only thing I hated was that I was sleeping in a room with 25 other guys (most were 25 + going for reserves) snoring and farting like I've never experienced before :P Lots of good banter though and the staff there were pretty cool, gotta ge...

    4. mta111


      Nice one, good effort

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