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TomC last won the day on September 6 2016

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  • Guns
    Tippman m4, WE P226 E2, WE G34, G&P m14 DMR recon
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    Bristol Airsoft
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  1. Looking for a recommendation on a good place to send a v7 gearbox for repair. Currently looking at ASPUK. Any recommendations?

    1. aftershock


      Is this for a m14 mate ?

      You can order a brand new gearbox off amazon for 60 instead of your £40 just to look at your old one. Food for thought

    2. TomC


      Yeah looking at those very tempted. But If I can get it fixed and properly shimmed for a similar price and not have to wait until the end of September that would be sweet.

    3. aftershock


      Iv got a gun tech who will service mine for 20 but i received it locked by a scamer who said it was perfect so it's fallen down the list a bit lol. Must be a common issue for them to play up.

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