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Profile Information

  • Guns
    AGM Series Scar H
    K Warrior F0-010 1911
    Well Warrior L96
  • Loadouts
    PMC Night Ops Loadout
    Woodland Loadout
    Apocalypse Loadout
  • Sites
    Frontier Airsoft
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  1. My new toy! Can't wait to use it this Sunday!
  2. Looking forward to Frontier Airsoft on the 6th April! Aggressive Negotiations!

  3. Anyone fancy Asylum 1st December? Message if interested in a collaboration.

    1. Monty


      Where is it located?

    2. Dalloway


      Kidderminster mate. You know First & Only Airsoft? It's one of the West Midlands sites they run

  4. Been rather quiet on the airsoft front I'm afraid :( had an expensive few months with the arrival of my new puppy :L will be back out there soon!! Hopefully at the asylum November 3rd. If I have my dates correct.

  5. Looking to set up a small team. Team name is open to suggestion. At the minute I'm thinking 4th Echelon (I am a bit of a splinter cell fan). No preference to type of player and no specific loadouts! Just out for a mishmash of people who love Airsoft and could play regular! Message me if interested. Must be in Wolverhampton area, play @ F&O or Frontier. There are already 2 people including myself.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dalloway


      Yeah man I thought about that earlier.

      Ill have to do it when I have some free time!!

      I had a look at your website on my lunch break, you guys got it all sussed out! Where do you play?

    3. jay83


      We play around Kent, Surrey area. We could have 18 members soon so were growing, and i have just signed deals to have two companys sponsor us, so if you do go down that route email me and il tell you how to get it all sorted.

    4. Dalloway


      Oh nice. Never been down that way before.

      Sponsorship etc is not something I am look to at the minute. Maybe in the future.

      Will definitely have to have a team collaboration game one day! Even though I am still only a 2 man team ... but maybe it would work better like that ... thoughts?

  6. Really like this site. Had no idea there was an Airsoft Forum where everyone is so friendly & helpful!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      I'm not too sure, but I would seem to think so, I might be wrong however.

      Sorry for late reply :P

    3. Dalloway


      It's cool haha!

    4. two_zero


      people tend to do it in the status updates

  7. Been away from the field for so long. Can't wait till I'm back. Asylum Kidderminster, 29th Sept. WATCH THIS SPACE.

  8. PMC Night Ops Photos Up! Watch your back, cause ill be knifing it!

  9. Just a few snaps of my PMC night ops load out. It's extremely light weight as I like to move in close for the kill. And the lighter/quieter it is the better.
  10. Stealth Loadout Almost Complete!

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