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Everything posted by Fatknees

  1. Yeah it's the stick battery model,like you said not a lot of "wiggle " room but I recon I can squeeze 8 batteries in there with a bit of fettling lol
  2. Oh ok didn't know that are cyma a respectable maker? I own jg rifles and tm pistols only
  3. Cm.041k Taiwangun,not sure bout the gears haven't stripped it yet I think I might stick with a 8.4v to be safe thanks for the advice though
  4. Cm rebranded g&g? thought cm was maybe a cheap China made brand crap lol, On there website it says 9.6v but sent me a 8.4v not a 7.2v (my mistake) possible mix up with batteries when ordered?
  5. I brought it from Taiwangun is a cm model??
  6. As the title says really,I've just purchased a mp5k it came with a 7.2v battery,what I want you to know is,if I buy a 9.6v battery will it handle a 9.6v or are we talking stripped gears territory? Thanks in advance
  7. Rydair airsoft supplies never been there myself but heard some good stuff about them from a couple of guys who have been there Hope this helps
  8. Yyyeeeaaahhh I think I'll be buying a clone one lol
  9. Are the cheap copies worth it,or should I just pay the extra and get a serpa one?
  10. I'm after a new holster for my tm 1911 (punisher) I can't decide to go with a drop leg holster (have used fabric in past,horrible) or hip holster (currently use fabric,not great but does the job) I'm after a molded holster for cqc and woodland battles Cheers in advance
  11. I used my new glock on Sundays skirmish it was flawless,I even preferred it to my tm 1911 lol
  12. I suppose I could get a "new wife " lol
  13. As the title says really, my wife is nagging me that I have to many guns tokyo marui 1911 meu,(personal favourite) Kjw glock 23, trishot shotgun, Jing gong m4 x2 Jing gong mp5 cold steel knife I really want a sniper rifle then maybe a support weapon? is there such a thing as to many weapons?
  14. I've used Taiwan gun twice no problems at all and I'll keep on using them (don't forget to add your ukara number on the comments page just incase of UK customs)
  15. I've taken the plunge and brought a Glock guys maybe in the future months I might invest in an M9 too?
  16. Looks like I'm getting a Glock then
  17. I I've heard bad things about We guns??
  18. I need help guys/girls,I can't decide to get a kjw m9 or kjw glock 23 from Taiwan gun,I already own a tm 1911 and want to try something new,all feedback positive or negative will help in my final decision Cheers
  19. I've been airsofting for about 2 years now and have decided to invest in a electric pistol,especially with winter around the corner,I love my tokyo Marui 1911 but obviously can't use gas in he winter, soooo I'm looking for feedback on electric pistols really
  20. Thanks for the feedback guys much appreciated tm shells all the way then
  21. I've just brought (should be here tomorrow) a double eagle shotgun m56b from Taiwan gun,my question is will any old shotgun shells fit or it or do I need particular shells?
  22. Yeah saw them I just prefer the standard size ones stupid I know lol
  23. Ok so I'm having real trouble buying some tm 1911 mags everywhere I try is sold out help please
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