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  • Guns
    Real Sword Type 97
    VFC HK 417
    Maruzen Walther P99
    JG Bar-10
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    Matlock Combat Games
    Black Dagger Airsoft
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  1. In the last one? GoPro Hero 3 white for the head cam and a Panasonic HC-V510 for the scope cam
  2. Hey guys, been a long while since i last updated this, got some sniper scope-cam gameplay to share with you all! Its not the most streamlined set-up with the camera, but i think it got the job done have a gander below;
  3. Hey guys, been a while since i updated this but I had a pretty awesome run last saturday that i'd like to show you. We had a simple attack and defend gametype at Black Dagger Airsoft, but with a slight twist; both teams had a single traitor who could turn on them at any given point. The teams knew about the traitors, but not who they were. For this game, i was the attacking team's traitor, and i managed to take out the vast majority of the team before i'm brought down. Have a gander below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYzkec1gSB0
  4. Hey guys! have a brand new video from Matlock Combat Games, where I spent most of the day face down in the dirt or sprinting for cover, all under a hail of BB's - which was a pretty good day out in my opinion! Link to the Highlights video is below, hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUB1ppwWUtY
  5. Cheers Tom, I'd completely forgotten how to imbed the video like that, whats the trick to doing it again? haha
  6. Hey guys sorry that I haven't posted in a while, a mix of graduating, moving out, and finding work has meant that I haven't had the chance to get much airsofting done this year. Saying that however, Just had a game at Black Dagger where we had to locate multiple rockets for a launcher, and got a load of pistol kills now that I finally have more mags for my P99. Enjoy! www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1tL2nQG6T8
  7. Yup, the site was trailing that rule for the day and prettymuch no-one liked it because it caused so much confusion. And its the Hero 3 White edition - the base model.
  8. Cheers for the subscription posted a reply on your youtube but in case you dont get it, its windows live movie maker.
  9. Hey guys, had a pretty intense day at Black Dagger Airsoft and i think it shows in this highlights video, let me know what you think of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsbQbFaKXrQ
  10. New gameplay video is done, focused around the stupidly steep hill in the centre of Black Dagger Airsoft, where we had to attack and defend the hill over two games.
  11. Great day out at Black Dagger in Dronfield yesterday, latest video from there is up in the Off Topic - Media section

  12. Latest Highlights video is up, have a gander if you have a minute spare
  13. Was watching the footage of a surrender kill an enemy got on me, and realised that it was even more embarrasing for me than i first thought. Check the Off Topic - Media section to have a gander.

  14. Here's a one-off special, mainly because i hope it never gets repeated again . Was watching some of my footage back for the next video but did a double take when i looked a bit closer at a surrender kill one of the enemy players got on me, and decided it would be better to have its own short video because of how amazingly dumb i was.
  15. Had good fun yesterday running around weilding two guns at once, it made for some pretty cool footage to watch back so have a gander at the Off Topic - Media section to see it.

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