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  1. £600 pound at Dentist or Buy more Airsoft Stuff???? I'LL LET THIS FORUM DECIDE FOR ME????????

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    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      I go to an NHS dentist and the one I go used to be always empty more or less, as it was on the second floor of the building. Now it's moved into an actual shop and it's a bit busier but you just try to go during it's "off-peak" times

    3. jcheeseright


      I think you're missing my point, in order to go to an NHS dentist, you need to first register with that dentist. Since they're all oversubscribed none of them are accepting new registrations.

    4. AK47frizzle


      yeh, i think i'll do it sometime soon but my mum is not agreeing right now.... she always has to say no to everything. And she says my teeth are fine.....

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