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Posts posted by inhen

  1. Glad to see a lot of locals!

    I'm heading to tech brigade this weekend, have been paintballing at that site before so have some idea what to expect there.

    Have visited AWA in sawbridgeworth to have a look, and have seen the 2 rift sites nearby, will be keeping an eye out for everyone, and may send PMs to people who are going, always good to make new friends!

    How was Tech Brigade?


    I've been meaning to get down there for a year or so but buying houses, marriage, surgery, babies and having to get a stupid job have got in the way so far. Is it the land of milk and honey?


    I'm near Ampthill btw.

  2. RetroArms V2 gearbox

    Seigtek Gears

    BTC SPECTRE mosfet

    14AWG wiring

    Lonex A1 motor

    Guarder stainless cylinder

    SHS cylinder head

    SHS blue piston

    SnowWolf nylon piston head

    Xhigh hop unit

    Laylax Prometheus 6.2 inner barrel (the shit!)


    I dont know of any decent bushing/baring manufacturers still trading but the above will get you started, the rest of the bits can be transfered from whatever stock M4 you buy xx

  3. Hi fellow Bedfordian, Im new to this maybe hold each others hand and burn through some BB's?

    Have you managed to get to a game yet?Im packing "off the shelf" guns so no really interesting gear to show I am afraid.


    Peace out

    Sounds ideal, where are you thinking of playing? Ive still not got to a game yet, I have had some technical issues with my rifle not compressing correctly so I am rebuilding again this weekend. I'm happy to lift share but at 17mpg my car is extremely comfortable but a bit thirsty for fuel!


    Next weekend would be ideal for me, what's happening at the pit? Urban Assualt? Etc?

  4. So I'm ready to go airsofting! My rifle is finished, my kit is good to go but I no longer have anyone to go with as my brother is moving to Denmark! Is there anyone reasonably local who would be interested in holding my hand and showing me the ropes? I have transport, I'm happy to travel and offer lifts.


    Does anyone play at TechBrigade or Urban Assault? Both seem interesting.


    Also, any techy/tweakers locally who might like to swap parts/ideas most welcome.


    I look forward to your insights

  5. YW


    Squirty squirty? I hope you mean silicone oil, because some other types of oil can do serious damage to various AEG parts - for eg WD-40 should never be used in any way which could result in it getting into the hop (so not in the gearbox either as air is drawn through the gb and picks up micro droplets of oil and grease as it does so). That said, while a lot of people seem to enjoy aerosol silicone oil, personally i think it is a sledgehammer to a drawing pin at times - you don't want loads of it inside mags for eg because oily BB's will not be as affected by the hop and possibly not evenly, but just 1 or 2 max drops in a midcap mag is enough to make the spring and follower operate more smoothly and increase capacity sometimes.

    Light silicone oil of course.


    I had noticed that the Dytac midcaps can hold 150 BBs but they are sold as 120's and yes I stripped and oiled them when I got them.

  6. Aha well you may have inspired a little DIY for when I build my recon rig so be proud of yourself and enjoy the skirmish

    "My milkshake brings all the boys to yard!!!"



    This whole post.


    much +1

    Cleaning rod, alcohol wipes and silicone spray in the loadout?


    What about sandwiches?


    I was considering making a gillie hood to stuff in pocket for woodland games?

  7. Thanks, couldn't quite tell, I'm more fascinated about the rear two pouches, they look like they're just hanging off and wanted to know if they got in the way.

    Yes its a JPC, still waiting for the G3 combats to arrive from 'Merica, but I only ordered them in February so I should really learn to be patient!!




    You don't need a pistol. They are fun and of course there are 'pistol only' games here and there, but you'd almost certainly get more use out of a BFG or even a back up AEG. How are you doing for batteries and charger? Cleaning rod and alcohol swabs? Silicone oil?


    You may find that a shemagh over your mouth makes you uncomfortably hot, but everyone has their own attitude towards the risk of losing teeth. Personally the idea gives me the shivers so I run mesh masks = ultimate BB protection and not sweaty like a cloth solution.

    I'll probly wear my Lowa German military mountain boots. Just ordered a Turnigy and 2 Gens Ace 1300mAh 7.4 lipos, got charger.


    Cleaning rod!!! Cigarette filters aren't ideal I spose. Got some squirty squirty too, from Maplin.


    Thanks chaps, very informative.


    Just imagine what? How over rated promethius stuff is?

    Well I'm going to reserve judgement until I've tried the Prometheus barrel with the right rubber and nub. This is my first build so its a learning curve. I don't know what results to expect, I don't even know what range an aeg should be effective to. I haven't even started experimenting with ammo yet either, it's all so exciting!


    So where does PDI come on the quality curve? I've ordered a 6.05 barrel, looks pretty standard, no fancy hop chamber, just machined from one peice.


    The problem I've got now is she won't fire full auto! Just stopped halfway through a mag.

  9. Not exactly the most scientific approach to the problem but the results speak for themselves!


    I've fired 1200 BBs now without a single jam or double feed! Yay!


    I can hit a shoe box 120 times in 3.7seconds at 25yrds!


    Me thinks the feed system is working rather well for now, I'm almost put off changing the barrel back when the Prometheus bits arrive but if I can achieve results like this with a £20 barrel just imagine...

  10. Eureka!


    I have identified the problem (fingers crossed!) It's the cylinder head nozzle, its split right down the middle and its chewing up and misaligning the air seal nozzle. I noticed black shavings in the barrel when i cleaned it.


    Now that I'm looking closer I have also noted that the cylinder isn't sitting square in the gearbox.


    Can anyone recommend a cnc machined, reinforced 9mm v2 box? Preferably with a quick change spring guide.

  11. I'm starting to agree with you Ian, I don't know how long these loose bore barrels ha e been around but I can't find much in the way of reference material on testing and results, even on Airsoft Mechanics. As you point out the barrel's performance on the bench doesnt necessarily suggest results that could be replicated in the field. But I am willing to keep investigating and trying any suggestions, I have been given a thesis on ballistics to read so I may be gone sometime!


    Anyway I'm starting to think that the gearbox may be part of the issue as the resting place of the gear and there fore the nozzle allows for the next BB in the hop to sit in such a way that when the nozzle moves forward it is pushed up and mis feeds/folds the upper edge of the hop rubber in trapping the BB. So I'll try a range of products I've found specifically for the barrel and probably strip the gearbox again to make sure I haven't missed anything obvious!

  12. I'll be interested to find out how your AEG performs with the 6.2 barrel in the field, inhen, assuming you do get it working. I have to say that I'm sceptical, but obviously I'd like to be proved wrong. Just checking: you do have a tappet plate delayer clip/chip on your sector gear in this build, right?

    There is a delayer on the sector gear but its a small baring rather than a chip. I'I've hdd some encouraging results today using modified shark rubber and thread locking the barrel in place in the hop unit. Firing through the inner barrel when not installed in the outer provides fantastically consistent results, however when the whole gun is assembled I sometimes get 1 BB per 2 pulls of the trigger. Occasionally BBs roll out of the barrel and in full auto I have noticed that sometimes when burst firing one third of BBs fly straight for 30+ yards another third spin high and left at 20yrds and a third drop left.


    She is 40 - 50% consistent over the last 1000 BBs I have managed to fire, so a big improvement on a few shattered fragments!

  13. Tbh I think even the 6.04 was too tight, I would occasionally get bbs stacking up in the barrel during full auto firing and when burst firing the first bb would fly straight and true but the second would drop low left and the third would fly straight. Plus 25yrds range is useless.


    The idea behind the 6.2mm barrel is to create flow around the bb to guide it down the barrel rather than force it down on a cushion as with tight bore barrels. The chamber that fits on the end of the Prometheus barrel has 3 nubs at the bottom and the hop nub protruding from the top to centralise the bb in the barrel. When I've loaded bbs manually the result has been spectacular to say the very least! Range is vastly improved to the point that my garden is no longer long enough to see when the bb's trajectory is overcome by the top spin. Accuracy is 100% (so far) at 25yrds with gun clamped in a vice, 1.5" groups!


    So I don't think its the barrel, I can't emphasise enough how impressed I am with its performance. Something is stopping the bb before it gets past the rubber collar. Is it the angle of the rubber? Where is the angle of the rubber measured from?

  14. Madbull Ultimate Hop + Element H Nub + black Shark rubber + Element 6.04 x 248mm barrel + Ultimate airseal nozzle = vicious rof + adequate accuracy at 30yrd




    Madbull Ultimate Hop + Element H Nub + Prometheus Delta strike blue Rubber + Prometheus Delta Strike 6.2 x 275.5mm barrel + Ultimate airseal nozzle = viciously vicious rof however only occasionally actually firing and mostly shattered bb fragments.


    The bbs seem to be getting stuck in the hop and they are being broken by the nozzle. Its easy to push a bb through the collar of the hop rubber when the gun is disassembled but the nozzle cannot when the gun is assembled.


    This is getting frustrating now as its a parts gun, 6 months in the making and its so close to realisation.

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