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AK47frizzle last won the day on September 5 2023

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    Shadow 2, MOSQUITO, B&T SPR300
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  1. is it better to do a full body workout 3 times a week or do separate muscles each day for 5 days a week? I'm currently

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. jcheeseright


      cardio on it's own will shed pounds, but not nearly as efficiently as a mixture of cardio and weights. Muscle burns more energy while resting than anything else does... bigger muscles, more energy used and so faster 'fat loss'. If you're serious about getting fit my advice would be to get yourself down to a gym and have a couple of sessions with a personal trainer (it's not that expensive), explain to them what you want to achieve and they'll set you up with an approp...

    3. AK47frizzle


      I'd say don't get a personal trainer becuae they can be very costly and besides, there's mountain of advice on the internet, you need to know which ones are legit. Don't drink protein shakes, thay what i'll tell you


    4. jcheeseright


      The fact that you're asking if it's better to do 3 full body workouts a week or 5 isolation workouts a week pretty much tells me that you need someone who knows what they're doing (not youtube, srsly) to give you some advice. Go and see a personal trainer, most places are less than £30 an hour and you'll probably only need one session to get a decent plan put together.

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