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AK47frizzle last won the day on September 5 2023

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    Shadow 2, MOSQUITO, B&T SPR300
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  1. Emailed to cancel order and yet, 24 hrs later, dispatched??? Hello???

    1. Druid799


      What was it ? 

      And have you had it for free yet ?

    2. AK47frizzle


      So, the situation is: I purchased a secutor rudis magna from extremeairsoft. I totally forgot that I purchased it (lots of business stuff going on), so I went on bespokeairsoft and purchased another one. Then, moments later, I remebered that I did purchase from extremeairsoft. So then I immediately wrote an email asking to cancel ASAP. Wrote another the next day. Hours later, dispatched....???? Like, do they not read emails ever? Opened a paypal dispute yesterday and still no reply.


      So today, I have TWO rudis magnas coming through the post! Had a cheeky peek at both and decided to keep the extremeairsoft one because that rudis was extremely clean (almost no factory grease), the one from bespokeairsoft was covered in horrid grease on the inside (did clean it a bit). If they bespoke don't reply soon, I will escalate to paypal and who knows, maybe i'll get a free rudis :D I told them I would send it back for a full refund but we'll see.

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