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AK47frizzle last won the day on September 5 2023

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    Shadow 2, MOSQUITO, B&T SPR300
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  1. Hmm... is dropping english a good idea? I hate it and if I get a B in the final exam, which I will, I can drop it. For next year, my 5 highers are: French, physics, technology, maths and art. I'm looking into the field of engineering for uni but i'm not sure if english is needed. Help.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Lozart


      ...about what's important for getting a job. In engineering you'll be getting employed by people MY age and we still think that literacy and numeracy are as important or more so than your degree in "engineering design" or whatever.


    3. Tariq


      You're literacy wont improve from what is required though from English... The kind of work you do in English is not the kind of report writing you do in Engineering. Level 2 english (GCSE) is fine. Lozart, from my experience i'd actually disagree with you on that one.

    4. Lozart


      Fair enough, it's been a while since I was at that end of the engineering ladder. Granted it's not worth doing an A level in English for it but good basic results are important.

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