Good to meet you yesterday Lambster, that ARU loadout looks good
Quick hot debrief on the site:
As always well run, the safezone is one of the best I have been to, nice big hall with tables and pleanty of space to sort your kit out. The site itself is good a real mix of large and small rooms from wards to small offices, the team have done a great job with the longer corridors placing cover to break them up.
The games were well run and marshalling was spot on from what I saw, especially considering this was the opening game. Its a big (really big) site so regen walks can be like playing woodland not that this is an issue at all, and the games we played were all pretty good and ran for a good length of time. I also like that the first game was run so that you found your way around the site.
The only problems we had on the day were:
1- the thunderflashes didnt ignite, it wasnt just me everyone had the issue, it was an issue with the strikers, so they could be lit with spare strikers. The guys were really good about this and I believe that Felix is sending the whole batch back so this shouldnt be an issue for any other games.
2- the site can become a bit linear, to get around choke points it can be a very long way around, again not a real problem and we quickly adapted our style to compensate.
Imagine playing airsoft at your local hospital - all of it and you will get the feel, oh and I think I only got lost twice lol.
The site is certainly well worth a visit and we had a great day, we will certainly be back later this year.