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SimonQuigley last won the day on August 1 2014

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  • Guns
    G&G GR16 Block 1.5/Mod 1
    Ares 009
  • Loadouts
    DEVGRU Red Squadron
  • Sites
    Bristol Airsoft (Courtrooms)
    Spartan Airsoft
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft, Science,Technology,Milsim/impressions and Gaming.

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  1. Multicam tropics looks awesome, i assume its crye's answer to AOR2, hopefully it will make its way into replica gear soon...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Hueys yeah that's the shop I was referring to (couldn't remember the name) Buying straight from UR-Tactical in HK is cheaper than buying it from there but probably not for clothing since it's $80 a shirt (so you then need to pay charges)

      Would be nice to have more options like Tru-Spec cos some of their gear for example AOR1 BDUs are like £30 for trousers or shirt and All Terrain Tiger is £45 so wish Multicam Tropic would be a similar price, although I doubt it...

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Some great photos here. http://www.operatorchan.org/g/res/11645+50.html



      I seem to remember someone said they'd used them in the UK and it worked very well. Certainly looks like it would to me anyway.

    4. SimonQuigley


      Great, thanks MrB :D

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