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SimonQuigley last won the day on August 1 2014

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  • Guns
    G&G GR16 Block 1.5/Mod 1
    Ares 009
  • Loadouts
    DEVGRU Red Squadron
  • Sites
    Bristol Airsoft (Courtrooms)
    Spartan Airsoft
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft, Science,Technology,Milsim/impressions and Gaming.

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  1. Is this in any way illegal? http://www.crw-airsoft.com/for-uk-customers-50-c.asp saw a rather tasty scar l..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. two_zero


      cav: manufacturing is illegal.. import.. I am not sure about the law but at the very least they will bin it if you import without UKARA... if you got other valid defense you MIGHT get it after a long legal battle with them.

    3. cavninja


      Interesting, I am genuinely curious about this legislation and how it is applied. A friend of mine had two guns imported from the states in the "separated in to two parts" manner, a couple of months ago. He has no UKARA. He was not questioned by HMRC, but simply paid the import duty and VAT. I do not believe he has broken any laws and he has not intention of doing so. He just used, as Mack said, the loop holes and got himself a bargain.

    4. two_zero


      No, I am pretty sure you are wrong there and that your friend did indeed break the law. there have been threads about, search or make a new thread. There is a reason why there is restrictions on RIFs.

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