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armysurplusandtoys last won the day on February 27 2013

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  • Guns
    m4 black, magpul stock
  • Loadouts
    mtp, marpat desert, marpat woodland, nwu blue, dpm,
  • Sites
    the asylum
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  1. Hi all I have been going more and more to this group of light milsim. Basically it like an open day however with a more flowing game day and following games. They have sites in hereford and worcester with guest sites in birmingham. On the 3rd 4th october they are holding an overnight event at the hereford site. This has a 4 man team evading capture and recce, your mission would be to hunt them down night and day. looks like another fantastic game https://www.facebook.com/H-T-Immersive-Simulations-280624112112945/timeline/
  2. Sorry not been on the forum for a long time. Cheers both happy to help as always PS 10% off voucher code for the website www.armysurplusandtoys.com army10
  3. I use aor2, what do other ppl think of it?
  4. my thoughts are to the family for the loss. the thing is that when someone points a gun at you to comply or else face the consequence. In the situation the police would have no time to check the ukara or have that moment to check it was a bb gun (in this situation the use of airsoft gun would only discredit the sport). point is especially in the current climate....would you shoot first?
  5. I have been with magnum while i was in the cadets, however i found they were not lasting so went to bates...now i use oakleys they do well for me but what do you find good and why?
  6. welcome to the forum...bit far away from you tho
  7. what's your thoughts on this?? http://www.deploymentessentials.com/liquid-body-armor/
  8. i have been putting together a navy seal style loadout in aor2. has anyone else put one together
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