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  • Guns
  • Loadouts
    Alfa Group (FSB) MultiCam
    Alfa Group (FSB) Smog
  • Sites
    Elite Action Games - Dorking, Epsom
    Ambush Airsoft - Chobham
  • Gender
  • Location
    Elmbridge, Surrey
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Collector of Camo, Modern Warfare Camouflage (My Facebook project), Ebbsfleet United FC.

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  1. Just got an SS-Leto and Ryab two-piece oversuit from Chaka98 on eBay. Good price, not so pleased with the quality, but it was £70 for two with post. Will do me well for airsofting.
  2. My modern Alfa loadout, on a budget. I'm aware a v-95 tigr omon vest is not kit, but it breaks up the camogrom and gives a russian feel. Can also run mvd kit with it.. Need to get a black vest and boots. I'm happy with the helmet. Ak74m ris with eotech and grip to go with kit, also some ss-leto and ryab. Comments?
  3. My completed Alfa Group FSB loadout Budget version: Note, Alfa do not usually wear Tigr, they usually wear Black or Multicam, but I wanted a definite Russian look. They do wear western gear, so Oakley's are not completely wrong. Other than the helmet, which is just a budget helmet, the loadout comes together when it's all on. All I'd need to add is a holster, and perhaps Black boots, but anything goes really.. gives it that "got your military gear from a jumble sale" look that some Russian operators have. Kit list: M88 Olive Drab Helmet Black Ballistic Goggles / Black Mesh Goggles Balaclavas - Black and Woodland Helikon-Tex Camogrom CPU Shirt Flora T-Shirt Alfa Group and Russian Flag Patches Oakley Gloves / Black Fingerless Tigr Assault Vest (Russian) Olive Drab Belt Helikon-Tex Camogrom SFU Trousers Mil-Tec Black Kneepads Cotton Traders Tan Hiking Boot
  4. My Alfa Group arrived from Ukraine! Quality. My dilemma is now how to velcro back it. It worked on my russia flag, as it was iron-on, and it sticks very well to plastic, but I'm not sure how to go about a much larger patch. I also adapted my Dutch DPm shirt to have velcro pockets, however, said velcro does not like to affix to fabric. Any ideas?
  5. Kamysh Assault Vest from Russia, £65 inc. postage. My black balaclava, looks like and self-adhesive velcro strips turned up today, though they are white. Is fine for the backing of the patch, but need it ideally to be a more military colour. I'm thinking food colouring, bowl, splishy-splash, huzzah. In that order.
  6. @ Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies The loadout is coming on very well. I've seen various images, and the helmets they wear do vary. With the one eye hole black balaclava, large black googles, and the M/88 helmet, it looks realistic, and as you say.. russian loadouts vary so much that you can have more leeway with loadouts than others units IMHO. I'd like a Flora vest, but it's much more expensive than the kamysh, and I prefer the Kamysh to be honest. £65, free postage from Russia.. I'll say yes to that. Just waiting for my Alfa patch, I have the Russian flag arm patch, need to get the Helikon Multicam and it'll look a great loadout I hope for CQB/Semi-Urban/Urban. For the temperate, I'll swap out the Multicam for my Dutch DPM, which while it does not look British, it has that continental look, and replicates the Smog DPM, that FSB use quite well, and it cost me less than £40 for an entire set of trousers, and 3 tops of different styles. What Ukrainian spetsnaz are you imitating?
  7. You can buy velcro and self-adhesive it onto the kit? I plan to buy velcro, affix to the embroidered patch and then it will have velcro backing.
  8. An olive green M/88 helmet (to look like a Russian Sphere helmet), large black goggles, a Russian flag patch and an Alfa Group patch in "Sand". Plan to get black Alta Knee Pads, an Assault Vest in Flora or Kamysh and some commercial MultiCam tactical shirt and trousers.
  9. They say they don't mark it as commercial value, so it is unlikely to incur a charge, but he can't guarantee it, obviously.
  10. M88 Olive Helmet, eBay - £14.99 freepost to go with my FSB loadout.. or at least, I hope it comes as Olive. Looking at a Kamysh Assault vest from Ukraine too with Soviet Army Stuff as well. Anyone know about shipping fees, or the likelyhood you'll get charged something?
  11. Hi guys. I posted a thread on General Discussion regarding using AF-UK's loadout pics for my Sunday Airsoft feature on my FB page. If you have any loadout pics, reviews, events or anything airsoft related to submit, I will consider them for the page. Email is [email protected] Thanks!
  12. A lightweight 100% cotton 3-hole balaclava in what looks like CCE for £2.80 from Fleabay.
  13. I've just purchased a Russian Flora jacket for £20 from eBay. Bit darker than most Flora I've seen, but is new and appears legit, or a very good copy. Doesn't have any manufacturer label, but looks like it has official russian military stamping. @ Ian Gere - I would appear to fit a 52-3 if the jacket is correct, so you was spot on! Not sure how trousers work though. I'd be a 30 leg and 34"-36" waist as my weight is variable.
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