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Zak Da Mack

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Zak Da Mack last won the day on October 3 2015

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    WE Glock 18c Gen4
    A&K SR25K
    E&L AK105
  • Loadouts
    Flecktarn Recon
    45th SPRR (W.I.P)
  • Sites
    Viking Airsoft
    South Coast CQB
    Combat South
  • Gender
  • Location
    Stevenage, Herts
  • Interests
    Airsoft and Gaming

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  1. Red1's the school was a blast. Had alot of fun, although my ears are ringing from the amount of BFG's used to clear us out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TacMaster


      Yeah, same with blank firing guns. You can only do so many excersizes before it gets boring.

    3. NickM


      What do you call excessive, I defended the central stairwell at the school for about 20 mins with my bfg. 13 blanks in 15 mins, it was great. The attackers had to assault through the rooms to clear me out. the marshal was watching me and the two of us were giggling like school girls, it was the best 20 mins I've played at the school.

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      I don't mind BFG's, just make my ears ring :P I had a few thrown at me when I stopped attackers flooding the stairway as I waited in the corridor.

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