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Pointman PUG

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Posts posted by Pointman PUG

  1. Well, in that case PUG...

    I'd just stand no where near a doorway with one of my large metal poles with a screw driver on the end, after having extensive, weapon specific training!


    (Officer, problem?)

    Ain't no zombies getting through around that area then!

    Airsoft guns vs 28 Days Later style rage-zombies? You are fucked my friend.

    Walking Dead style, been rotting for a few months, you'd probably have a fair chance against them. Though, not as fair a chance as you might get from, say... A hammer. Or really, anything else.


    W... Wait a second... I think there's a glitch in the Matrix! D=




    feckin LOL.....:-) <3

  2. Lol, I'll have to keep an eye on you. I can scarcely imagine how you might over analyse someone making a thread about riding Unicorns with miniguns attached to them or something.


    Sweet baby Jesus.




    ed.....totally agree!

    longshot....your reply is quite funny!....but have you looked at how the context of what your saying can be taken as a bit of an insult!

    I started this thread as a bit of a laugh...let your imagination run wild and let your inner child's imagination to run free......

    If you want boundaries then here they are

    George A Romero style shambling zombies.....thats what I grew up with

    any damage to the brain counts

    beheading will work but it take a minute or two for the twitching

    the older the corpse....the easier it will be (so using your fully auto 350 fps rifle with a high cap mag should make a mess of a 5 week old zombie.....just dont shoot your mate thats just turned...it'll just piss him off)

    zombies are scared of flames

    Finally......grow a sense of humor.....its hard enough being an airsofter without this bitchin and infighting!

    now everyone hug,say sorry and go fight the feckin zombies!!!

  3. So here I am.... A bit pissed but I was wondering,if a zombie apocalypse happend would it be woth shooting the scabby twats with your airsoft rifle,pistol,grenade?

    I reckon if they've been dead for a while (should be able to tell by the stench) then the putrid flesh would be easy to penetrate....especially if you can put a few through the eye socket!

    oops gotta go....time to close the cell door and take my pills!!!

  4. Peugeot 106 gti......with turbo conversion!!!

    220 bhp

    235lbs ft torque

    eats evos and scoobys

    0-60. About 4 seconds

    full tank to empty.....about 40 mins on track or 200 miles if driven by miss daisy!!!

    expensive but fun!!!

    thats why I started airsofting!

  5. G & Gs aren't too bad for very little money, you can get a 2 tone with metal V2 Gearbox and blowback action for £160 ish new or £100 2nd hand.Very easy to customise/upgrade as most TM etc pasrt fit straight on :-)

    I have to agree that the plastic Gearbox you appear to have was designed to last about 5 minutes and even a new one would only be fit for the Bin :-(



    I agree with johnno.....I recently got back into airsoft guns after a 23 year break.I bought a G+G arms gr15 raider with battery,charger,two toned blue (stock and front rail),4000 polished bb's and shipping for £250...the gun is fantastic and I cant wait to "use it in anger".the only fault I can find is the hi-Cap mag doesn't feed the last 20 or so bb's and it ALWAYS drops 5 or so bb's when pulling the mag out!...but I think thats just a mag problem...I don't have enough knowledge on these new-fangled aeg's....but they are soooo cool!!!!!

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