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TomStringer81 last won the day on January 7 2013

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  1. Because it looks BOSS You see it on real steel guns when the owner has different uppers, maybe a longer barrel with a Bi pod or a standard M4 A1 upper, so that they don't paint everything just the lower. Personally I saw a picture of a real steel rifle painted like this and I about shot my load Just a personal taste thing. Matches my load out nicely too I think Peace and Love
  2. My King Arms OA 15 M7 Before and after spray job (my first attempt) Fits the rest of my kit now, It will look better once it starts to get roughed up a bit
  3. Its worked really well at our site. A had people get really close before I shot them and they didn't have a clue
  4. Working at an Airsoft site I get to dress up as loads of diffident characters for all our themed games, but my favourite one was my dino costume
  5. Cheers Guys, The Cadpat / soft shell / tan - coyote vest is our team loadout. there's about 15 of us all based on that look. looks good when we are all together.
  6. Okay, Here's mine Top to bottom Hat - Helikon Patrol Cap Coyote Brown Eyewaer - HeroShark Mako (I had to do a complete respray job on these!) Mask - Strike Tan mask Jacket - Web-Tex Waterproof Tactical Soft Shell Jacket OD/Green Vest - NO NAME cheap Chines Coyote Brown Oakley Factory Pilot Coyote Brown Gloves King Arms Oberland Arms OA-15 M7 (Custom spray job) 8 130rd Midcaps WE Glock 18C + 3 WE Mags Weekend Warrior Drop Leg Holster Claw Gear Cadpat trousers
  7. Mr Barren, How the devil!? Didn't know you played? where are you based these days? You will have to come Frontier, I will try and sort you out with a discounted first game
  8. The Link below will take you to our homepage's photo gallery which holds all of you game photos from our very first game to our very latest. Or you can find them all on our Facebook page. GAME PHOTOS Many thanks
  9. Click the image below to visit our Facebook page for all the latest news
  10. Frontier Airsoft is based in the UK near Stafford. We provide fun, competitive team based shooting games in a woodland environment suited for all players regardless of experience or age. Our 30 acres site consist of some dense woodland , trenches , pill boxes and barricades , 2 forts and several land rovers and caravans. All this man made cover make the Frontier site the ideal mix of CBQ style fire fights with plenty of woodland cover and the range for all you snipers and sneaky players out there who like to hide whatever the time of year Our age limit starts at 14 (full face mask till 18) and we keep our prices very competitive – lunch is included in the price and consists of a large Baggett (ham or cheese) , a large cookie , a chocolate bar and a can of soft drink On average we have between 30 – 60 players but have had over 90 on site comfortably We run our games from 9am till 4pm (with 50 min for lunch) and usually each individual game runs from 30 min to 50 min (so there are about 6- 7 per game day) Our staff are all veteran players (all with over 50 shoots in 2 years) and can offer friendly advice if your new to airsoft We have an onsite gun mechanic and you can book in for repairs between events (so two week turn around) More than anything , what makes frontier different from other sites is the role-play elements we use to complement the games Although you will be playing the regular style of games , capturing objectives , rescuing hostages and generally shooting people – each game also has a back story and this is played out during the games – for more information , please the “what are you fighting for” section of our main website: http://www.frontierairsoft.co.uk/ Any questions please give us a call on 07590 255 914
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