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AirsoftTed last won the day on March 3 2022

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1 Follower

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  • Guns
    G&P M4
    TM MWS M4
    G&G M14
    TM G17 with guarder kit
    CA 249 Para with RIS
  • Loadouts
    USMC Force Recon 'inspired'
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  1. This is really far off yet, but if I was to look into producing M72a7 or a9 replica's that were affordable (definetately sub £200, hopely sub £150 if I can do it cheaply enough) and that possibly fired nerf footballs, would anyone be interested? I'll be casting one for myself but I can make more if theres an interest

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      The system I'm designing will allow you to use shower shells, fire nerfs or whatever you like from the barrel as it's all powered by a 203. The acm models are a bit wierd , a pain in the arse to reload and only fire these wierd pound shop esque foam rockets. They also don't look very realistic

    3. geoffreym


      I would personally prefer just a shell, extremely strong shell though, so that I could fit my own internals.

      If you do make these and there is no risk of breaking if thrown from a second floor window, give me a shout, would quite happily put down a deposit.

    4. AirsoftTed


      I'll be making both shells and ready to use launchers eventually Geoffrey. I'm looking at Materials at the moment, I can't see me getting a finalised version ready for sale any time soon as I want to make everything perfect. I wouldn't put my name to something I wasn't proud to say I made or wouldn't be happy to pay for myself. It's going to be a long road of Prototypes, but I'm confident I'll make it happen.

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