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AirsoftTed last won the day on March 3 2022

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&P M4
    TM MWS M4
    G&G M14
    TM G17 with guarder kit
    CA 249 Para with RIS
  • Loadouts
    USMC Force Recon 'inspired'
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  1. So my fellow insomniacs, what are we upto tonight? I'm looking for a few bits and bobs I want for projects and mustering the energey to get off my back and take some pictures for the sale threads I'll be posting soon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ian_Gere


      a spot of moderating - haven't had chance to look in here much over the last few days - desperately trying to take my mind off the GP-25 I want to buy for my new AK-74 (which hasn't even arrived yet) which i really shouldn't spend any more cash on

    3. AirsoftTed


      Speaking of that Ian, I cant remember where or what even, but I saw something to do with a GP-25 either being sold or made or something, I'll rack my brains for you, something tells me it was cheap because I was going to send you the link for some reason but didnt get round to it

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Scrounged reviews on the SRC G36C gen 3. I would love an AK as a sidearm but being the AK whore I am,I need steel. And steel is heavy. G36s are light,and indestructible in my experiences. It's cheap too,only a few quid more than a JayGee or Hicapa.

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